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Raid Targets Needed

Posted: Sun 09 Oct, 2005 12:35 am
by Sianni
I was thinking about a few raid targets I need for certain things and thought it may be worthwhile to start a thread where people can post raid mobs they need. (Not including epic mobs which already have a thread). Mine as far as I'm aware are:

Rondo the Smith (BiC)
Ikkinz1 trial
Glyph event in KT (BiC)
Summoners Ring in KT (BiC)
Qinimi Druid 2.0 event

Uqua & Inktu'ta also, but they're already on the cards.

If we're looking for raid targets, or if we get enough people needing targets to warrant doing them, maybe they can be considered on some raid nights?

Posted: Sun 09 Oct, 2005 12:46 am
by Golgolath
Horrible evil bastard 42 man ldon raid for paladin 2.0.....drops an epic chest :)

Posted: Sun 09 Oct, 2005 1:58 am
by Turook
Summoner Ring (BiC)
The Primal that drops the first page (not really a raid but need more than 2 groups i am told) (BiC)

Posted: Sun 11 Dec, 2005 2:53 pm
by ronni
u dont have to kill primal for his page .. the mobs around them drop the same one ... shiftshape dood in other hand do need some decent group for them or 2

Posted: Sun 11 Dec, 2005 3:56 pm
by Turook
Yah sorry there Ronni It's not a Primal but a class on it's own :)

Posted: Sun 11 Dec, 2005 4:29 pm
by Miruwin
I also need Summoner Ring and Primal Insect.

Posted: Sun 11 Dec, 2005 7:28 pm
by Katzane
Miruwin wrote:I also need Summoner Ring and Primal Insect.
Same here as well, plus the other pages from the Primal area.

Posted: Sun 11 Dec, 2005 10:53 pm
by Borneheld
primals u can one grp

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 7:58 am
by Warriar
I need Primals and Summoner aswell as Smith Rondo.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 11:00 am
by Melodionxxx
These are not raid targets, these are BiC targets


Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:27 pm
by Mazia
Druid 2.0 isnt a BiC target :P

I could use DL Chaos Elemental fight - same as Pixxt Mindrider fight in Ytta. And of course CBQ fight for clicky belt etc.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:44 pm
by Melodionxxx
I reckon thats just a cunning plan.

Sianni tells raid "ok druid epic2.0 fight is, funnily enough.. exactly the same as the Qinimi BiC event! Imagine that, what a coincidence!"

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 1:18 pm
by Mazia

Hrrrm Melo tells the guild "sleepers raid for l33t loot and reputation.... (whispered) and fking dorf mask caus I need to be moor perty"

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 2:50 pm
by Melodionxxx
haha, pwned!

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 8:12 pm
by Sianni
Hehe all the BiC stuff on my list is done. Funnly enough, it's the non BiC stuff Istill need ;)

Along with a subscription. Damned finances.

Hey whats BiC ?

Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:28 am
by motobike
Hello Gang,

I cant get a handle on what is BiC

can someone explain


Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:41 am
by Ephyr
BiC stands for Breakdown in Communications

it is an overarching quest for the Gates of Discord expansion, that involves every zone and includes a range of individual, single group, small raid, and large raid content.

It is an immense time sink...

The reward is an augment, which scales up with the completion of each of the 14 steps or phases of the quest.

The final result (if you can complete it) is like 20 ac, 200 hp/mana/end, 15 saves vs all, 15 stats, some regen, ft, and other stuff. So very sweet.

Given that the last drops come from raid mobs, only a few are likely to get past stage 11, unless we make a decision to come back and clear some of the raids in GoD that we have moved on from (e.g Inkuta)

hope that helps moto...

-Ephyr and bots

Posted: Wed 14 Dec, 2005 4:39 pm
by Turook
Ask me all the questions you want about BiC Moto, I have only 2 bits left to go, woot :)

The first 10 stages still represent a respectable Aug without having to Raid, quite doable specially for someone your lvl that would get decent XP in the zones you need to trawl.