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Rathe Council

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 8:22 am
by Tentrix
So tell me do, how did u guys go last night? I was so excited for you all when it was mentioned u were doing rathe council......

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 9:26 am
by varutia
Nobody said anything, you take a guess what happened :P

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 9:27 am
by Ephyr
mob warped....wiped raid....didn't have time for another go with the server merger patch...

cya in poeb on sat....

-Ephyr and bots

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 9:32 am
by Thoraf
Yeah we think we know why the mez mobs are warping on us now, so expect that not to happen again.

The next tough part will be getting the last two councilmen down...will we be able to hold the healing up to the tanks? Stay tuned for the results :)

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 9:36 am
by Tentrix
Sounds exciting! I would imagine it would take a few shots, wont it? See ya's on tonight, I looked for an office at 7am this morning to tag me, no one was online :shock:

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 9:39 am
by Thoraf
Yes a few shots to iron out the tactics. This warping thing has screwed us twice out of 3 attempts now. The other being human error at 12:30am after a 5 hours of raiding, which you come to expect when pushing hard for something.

The event is well within our grasp, just need to do it. (assuming our warp control will work that is)

Posted: Fri 29 Apr, 2005 10:38 am
by Mazia
Its just nice that this is so doable for us - I really thought it was going to be more difficult than it is appearing - mind you we have a great amount of bots :P go go bard mez