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Returning player looking for Aussie Guild

Posted: Sun 29 Apr, 2012 12:35 pm
by Krillath
Character Name: Zaryn
Level: 62
Class: Mage
Your Time Zone: GMT + 9.5
Magelo Link:
AA Count: 40

Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers: Morell Thule back before i left EQ lvl 69 iksar SK there Krillath, was in Exiled Gatekeepers and also Triune , Progression server Combine , Naxzul 60 DE Sk in Wrathful Inquisition

Why did you leave your previous guild(s)? EQ was my 1st mmo and i guess went searching the pastures, nothing has ever really lived up to EQ though.

How did you hear about Wreckers? Google is my friend

Why do you want to join Wreckers? am currently on Vox as a returning player thinking there would be more opportunity to group lower lvl's as a new player but have been unable to find any oceanic type guilds there and am considering switching server.

Tell us about yourself as a player: very casual easy going type of player always willing to help others were needed, very much enjoy grouping but also soloing when needed, being the game is old i figured playing a class this time around with soloing capabilities would be a good idea. Kinda torn , still have alot of love for my old SK being he is 69 and 350ish aa he's in a better position to catch up to end game content but not sure i could handle lfg for hours with average solo ability, may consider moving him also.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr, 2012 2:11 pm
by Tomkatt
TY for interest in guild will catch up with u in name in next few days :)

Posted: Sun 29 Apr, 2012 3:28 pm
by Krillath
have decided on my mage as my main, and have moved to Bertox, seems it was an instant move. had to change charater name and am now named Naxzul, do i need to re-register withm y new name in forum?

Posted: Sun 29 Apr, 2012 4:37 pm
by amadeas
At the top of the page click on profile and change your login name to reflect your characters name and submit should do it.

Posted: Wed 02 May, 2012 5:21 pm
by Krillath
Considering moving my SK over, had a small issue with lore items stuck in bags on parcel merchant that i have now had fixed and just keep getting an itch to play him as he was my very first toon ever. Still very torn, yeah i know i said i had decided on mage as main.
I guess my main concern and maybe others can help me with this.. whats moloing like as a tank type class, is it a viable way of lvling/aa'ing or will i pretty much be dependant on a group to catch up the lvl's ?

Posted: Wed 02 May, 2012 5:46 pm
by Thoraf
Not sure here.. I'm a cleric :)

I've always thought that mages have it easy with a pet tank and merc clr, but I'm sure it's not all roses.

either way I'm outta town for the next few weeks, but I"m sure someone can help you out :)

Posted: Wed 02 May, 2012 7:53 pm
by Krillath
Ok so after logging in and checking out my old sk i have decided to play him, just too many memories with him to play eq again and not continue where i left off with him, hence my last name change as his name wasnt taken. Will try find an officer online to get an invite.

Posted: Wed 02 May, 2012 11:12 pm
by Thoraf
righto mate hope to catch you in game soon if I can find some time in between working and eating/drinking too much :)