XP vs Win2k

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XP vs Win2k

Post by Vexo »

Someone remind me... why did I just do a reinstall of XP, when I have a perfectly fine Win2k laying around?

My machine runs generally ALOT slower with XP than a 733 P3 with 256 mb RAM runs Win2K. And everytime I reinstall XP, I spend the first 10-15 mins making it look and feel exactly like Win2k, since, let's face it, XP is the default UI of Microsoft, with added comlexity, so you spend plenty of time looking at their logo.

So, why did I install XP? Does it sport some major feature, that is well hidden beneath all the crap?
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Post by Golgolath »

2k ftw
There are no atheists in a hen house.

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