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some kind of useful faction info I havnt seen before

Posted: Wed 11 Dec, 2002 11:22 pm
by Mazia
"Long time reader first time poster<br><br>I used to be known on Rallos Zek as "The faction Master"<br><br>I have a 5mb log of my bone chip turnins to trooper mozo in field of bone to back up my faction list (this was back around kunark)<br><br>Dimiz's faction table is correct (cept i never actually verified ally)<br><br>however there are things you must remember<br>the cap for modifiable faction is -2000 to +2000 from base. That doens't mean that after 500 kills you will be aimalbe<br><br>Your base faction is adjusted by your race/class/religion<br><br>Lets call the changable faction your "deeds" modifier. That can be changed by killing mobs and doing quests etc. That is the one that can go from -2000 to +2000 from its initial value (0)<br><br>Now you have to take into account your race/class/religion<br><br>Take me in fironia.<br><br>Now you know that de's are kos<br>The default faction for me in fironia was kos (it was -1000 for being a de and -1000 for worshipping innruuk and 0 for me being a cleric)<br><br>Basically my faction was -2000 in normal form. If i had killed them to max kos it could have gone down to an effective -4000 (which would require 4000 hits to bring up to indifferent or 3500 to get to dubious)<br><br>but since i decided to kill gobbies getting into cabilis i was able to overcome this and i am now maxxed at indifferent (-2000 from race/religion +2000 points from "deeds" modifier = 0 or indifferent faction level)<br><br>I can get turned into a wolf (race modifier -1000) and im still indifferent (0 faction level)<br><br>Take for instance some other factions such as the ghouls in 3rd gate neriak. De's have a +500ish race modifier to them. Every other race has a -500ish faction modifier to them. There is no way to raise it so every non de will start out kos. <br><br>Basically thats the way faction works<br>so in a nutshell you have 4 (ok really 6 parts to it)<br><br>1. "Deeds" modifier (changable through kills/quests)<br>2. Race modifier (changable with illusion)<br>3. Class modifier (not changable)<br>4. Religion Modifier (not changable)<br>5. Spell Modifier (alliance spells bard songs etc)<br>6. Item Modifier (faction items)<br><br>The first faction hit you see when you kill a mob/complete a quest is the faction the npc is on (always)<br><br>I hope this clears up the "Faction Mistery"<br><br>Some things i know about des and frogloks are that de's get approximately a -500 to -749 point race modifier with frogloks (being that my chanter twink was threateningly to start with frogloks)<br><br>Other than that i have no hard data.<br><br>Also as to how many faction hits a mob/quest gives you to your "deeds" its very hard to tell without a cheat program. It requires getting a fresh faction level and basically checking your faction ever mob or every other mob to see how many you had to kill to see a change. Then doing another test to verify your data" <p></p><i></i>