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Grats Wreckers!

Posted: Sat 26 Nov, 2005 11:12 pm
by Sunnie
On CoA access, you guys have worked hard and kicked some major hiney to get there! :D

Visionary Sunnie
Eternal Sovereign

Posted: Sat 26 Nov, 2005 11:27 pm
by Nyssah
Bloody hell news travels fast!
Thanx Sunnie :)

Posted: Sat 26 Nov, 2005 11:29 pm
by Turook

Grats guys


Posted: Sat 26 Nov, 2005 11:46 pm
by Vexo
Omfg! Holy! Argh! That's it, I'm quitting school.



Posted: Sat 26 Nov, 2005 11:50 pm
by Vexo
Omg omg omg, ES in the dust, CV next!

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 12:50 am
by Naervhun
GRATS Wreckers Been a hard grind and well earned !!!

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 12:55 am
by Thoraf
Vexo, you have an unhealthy attitude :I

We're in a PvE environment. I'm glad we're doing well, and glad when others do well.

Wuwuw Anguish flagged, let's hope this spurs ES on to catching up in OOW, and you gotta remember they are only one fight off finishing GoD, wheras we're a fair way off that.

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 1:11 am
by Aamasie
Thanks Sunnie

ES will be right behind us I am sure. :)

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 1:51 am
by Melodionxxx
stfu Vexo and thanks very much Sunnie =) All very happy


Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 9:54 am
by Mazia
Thanks Sunnie - all the best to you guys and your progression

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 11:11 am
by Sianni
Gah! I missed it! God damn social obligations ><

Gratz all :)

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 11:31 am
by Ephyr
Thanks Sunnie, we are all quite excited!

Did i miss an edit of Vexo's post? seems to me he was just annoyed that he had missed it himself, cuase of school stuff? I didn't see anything inappropraite there or am i missing something?

-Ephyr and bots

Re: ...

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 1:59 pm
by Tentrix
Vexo wrote:Omg omg omg, ES in the dust, CV next!
I think it is this that Thor is referring to. But I dont think he meant anything nasty by it. /shrug not sure

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 3:29 pm
by Bariselon
Grats you guys, sorry I missed them successes, hopefully ill be back on par to be on soon with you guys again. WRECK COA now :)

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 6:20 pm
by Faxonx
Grats guys...power went out after foresight, wish i could have been there..and /cough play the rog Sunnie :D

Posted: Sun 27 Nov, 2005 8:08 pm
by Sonna
GRATZ guys :) sorry i missed it :(


Posted: Mon 28 Nov, 2005 5:25 am
by Vexo
Nice call there Tent and Ephyr... not on the others:) Can't a guy tease a Nexs-wifey ES chanter? :roll:

Posted: Mon 28 Nov, 2005 9:39 pm
by Turook
Tease, yah right.

5 more people flagged tonight, not far to go to get a respectable number of people inside at once.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 12:27 pm
by Thoraf
Now that a second endurance has been run another foresight and specialisation should see a lot of our backflagging completed I'd hope.

Gimping and alt flagging isn't supposed to be too bad there

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 12:46 pm
by Ephyr
As i understand it, its like backflagging for Time...get a single drop from one of the main named mobs...and is backflagged...

so as soon as we have a viable raid force flagged, capable of killing a few of the named in Anguish, seems to me that will be a far easier flagging method than continuing to go back to do more MPG raid trials. We may want to still do some for loot, but after another run at Specialization and Foresight, we should be gtg for Anguish raids...(that and slackers like me need to finish or signets...)

-Ephyr and bots

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 12:48 pm
by Thoraf
Nice summation (albeit longer) of my original post) Ephyr :)

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 3:14 pm
by varutia
Except the part you still have to farm the 7 signet. I probably won't able to play until after 17th when I come back from holiday. Need farm a few signet to complete the flagging for Anguish myself.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 3:30 pm
by Thoraf
Sounds good Var.. unfortunately you'll have probably missed the signet frenzy that is currently in force :)

Look me up and I'll try and help you get signets when you're back.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 8:44 pm
by Marakesh
I seem to remember someone telling me that the MPG pizza pieces allow you to actually loot stuff in Anguish and the signets are the door key so you don't have to be gimped.

So gimps can't loot in there.

Could be wrong...could be right :)

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 9:05 pm
by Kofn
If you don't have the signets, you can't get in the zone.

If you have the signets, but are missing the pizza, you can be gimped in, but can't loot anything except pizza.