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Australian Player comming back after 12 month's Request info

Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 1:51 pm
by motobike
Hello Folks,

My name is Dolph Cooke I live in tweed heads nsw.
Looking to play again. I sold my toons saying I was never comming back but damn this eq is addictive. So Im in the market for a new account.

Can anyone help or is this practice frowned upon ?

my email is if you want to drop me a line

Thanks Gang


Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 4:58 pm
by Turook
Hi mate, are you just after an account or are you putting an app into joining wreckers too?

Would Love to Apply to Wreckers

Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 5:18 pm
by motobike
Hello Thanks for quick reply, I would love to join you guys what class do you need ? I will continue to read every post tonight and draw some conclusions. About me I am male 39 years old played EQ since the beginning, My ex wife is still guiding on EQ we had an "eqdivorce" she reconds I was addicted but now I find out she was gold digging. So I quit playing to try to save marridge. BAD MOOVE LOL. So I'm on my way back to Norrath.

Let me know if you need any more info and I will definately apply once I find an account...

Talk to you all soon

Dolph Cooke

Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 7:15 pm
by Turook
Well I guees it would more matter what class you woud want to play.
No point in playing something that you won't enjoy.
With that said "ENCHANTER".
Hehe always need more :)

Right On

Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 9:04 pm
by motobike
I had a chanty lvl 65 when i sold her used to raid with scarlet underground on terris So I could do that Np I developed her from lvl 1 so I know it pretty well.

I will keep looking for an account


Posted: Fri 11 Nov, 2005 10:39 am
by Mazia
Well Tookies says chanter I say Bard but - also chanters are good

Ultimately play what you would like for you tho

my ex-wife was a bit the same but after years of her cheating on me on and off I thew in the towl on trying to make it work. I will admit I play too much tho :)

Posted: Fri 11 Nov, 2005 11:08 am
by Ephyr
Would say Chanter or Shaman are the classes that the Guild needs most atm...don't know of any accounts with those toons for sale...

has anyone connected Dolph to Midknight yet? Midknight has an account that he wants to sell that has 70 Monk and 70 Ranger i believe (or at least highs 60s)...

-Ephyr and bots

Toons I have Found so Far

Posted: Fri 11 Nov, 2005 11:54 am
by motobike
Hey Gang,

Here are 3 toons I have on watch in my Ebay.

Can you give me your opinions.


Level 67 Troll Shaman with 209 AA Points (12 points unspent)
Some elemental plane armor pieces, some lesser pieces but all is at least decent.
Epic 1.0
Trade skill quest earrings, at least 220 in all trade skills.
Unbuffed: 4495 hps, 5720 mana, 1293AC, 270str, 315sta, 240agi, 252dex, 325wis, 215int, 114cha, over 200 in all resists
I think he has half or 3/4's of time key, missing Coirnav for sure.

Also 16 necro, a 45 enchanter, a 46 rogue, a 20 warrior, a 32 shadow knight, and a 22 beastlord on the account. They have mostly basic gear.
A small amount of platinum
Has 8 of 10 expansions.


Neccy 2[/url]

All toons are on other servers so will need a server transfer.

Thanks in advance

Dolph Cooke

I guess starting from Scratch is not an option ?

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 11:12 am
by motobike
Man I am enthusiastic about getting back on But do you think I can get an account from anywhere ---- NOPE.

I guess starting from Scratch is not an option ????

Lol been reading to many of those WTF comics and started a free account on the newbie server : ( So Sad

Dolph Cooke

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 12:06 pm
by Tentrix
Fen and I bought an account once, funny thing is, we hardly ever play it. We still have it, but it just doesnt feel right, so we stick to the toons we leveled ourself.

The one account we bought was from mysupersales. Never had any trouble, have had it for ages now - the toon that we bought we dont play, we started another char on that account and that is the one we play lol - so a total waste of money and time :P

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 12:38 pm
by Ephyr
It had never been easier and faster to level a toon...and their is an abundance of cheap twink gear to be had...and an array of ways to get your toon PLed...

on the other hand it is still a very long road from a level 1 newb to a lvl 70 raiding toon with decent gear and aas...

far more satisfaction and control in the later...but again its a long road...

its up to you mate...

-Ephyr and bots

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 4:56 pm
by Raghaul
Bout 9 days played from 1 to 70. True i did PL myself a bit, twinked out etc etc. Atm ppl are being leveled while they sleep.. kinda crazy i know. Are you sure you want to come back? RL has some good points. It is not all evil woman. There is ... other... stuff.. i'm told. As for class pick what you would enjoy to play.

If your going to bitch about your class
"my class does no DPS"
"XXX" Slays <undead> for 12 475..
"I can't kill anything!!"

We don't wish to know. Play somthing you enjoy is the key to sticking with it through 60 - 70..

Twink items are easy to get. PL me and my cleric for a night and i will fix you up nice. Anyway keep us up to date. Good Luck.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 5:33 pm
by Golgolath
I have been judged....

ROFLMAO hahahahah

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 6:53 pm
by motobike
OMFG Gang,

Life has nothing on EQ Hahahah.

I am so totally ready to come back. I just have to be good about it.

Clean house for 1 hour Play eq for a couple of hours kiss girlfriend 20 mins lol then play eq for a couple of hours sleep for 5 hours Play eq for a couple of hours give girlfriend breakfast in bead and kiss for 20 mins Play eq for a couple of hours work for a couple of hours lol Play eq for a couple of hours .

whats so hard lol

Thanks for the support see you in game soon

Dolph Cooke


Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 7:26 pm
by Vexo

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 8:05 pm
by Tentrix
OMG there is one in there that has 70 Bard, 70 Rogue, 65 Beast, 65 Necro & a 61 Chanter.

You could just about take your pick of what class you want with that one!

Posted: Sun 13 Nov, 2005 10:53 pm
by Turook
I have been told by the powers that be, if you buy a second hand account you can't transfer a character of your own to it, can anyone tell me for sure if this is true?

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 4:14 am
by ronni
thats right tur... unless u can get previous credit card numbers or cdkeys ( not sure cdkey will work these days after so many exp ) to prove you r original owner ...

better yet... if the dood sells u acct decide to come bak .. he could just email retrieve watever pwd u had changed it to with the orginal email address + secret question =D

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 4:15 am
by ronni
acct trans from + acct trans to must have match user info which you cant change from eqlive anymore =D

and not only u cant move characters around accts u cant even trans server unless its /movelog

Thanks for all the advice : )

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 9:06 am
by motobike
Please welcome Motobike level 1 high elf enchanter...

I will keep you posted on my progress : )

Dolph Cooke

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 9:54 am
by Ephyr
should be able to get to lvl 9 or so pretty fast in tutorial...

o/w can still use bone chip quest in Kaladim (think HE is non KOS there) to level to 9 in about 30 min with a couple of hundred bone chips....Ill buy for you if you need...

after that, someone will help you to PL a bit if you want im to me in game if you need help...

-Ephyr and bots

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 10:25 am
by Mazia
Make sure you join the Wreckers channel and get to know people - theres a bunch of people that like to PL in their spare time.

Theres not a huge amount of stuff to learn on a chanter before the higher levels thats applicable to play style at later levels so you shouldnt miss out here.

Runes keep you alive for the win :P

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 1:43 pm
by Turook
OMG lvl 1 0.0

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 2:47 pm
by Mazia
Turooks is only supprised because he bought tookie on ebay /nods sagely

Posted: Mon 14 Nov, 2005 2:55 pm
by Verroth
Hmmm, judging by the way he heals, this explains some things. Wait, he does heal ok, sometimes he just waits until my bar is purple instead of red:P Please note Tookie, that the bar turning purple is NOT like that orange warning light on your dash of your car. You do not have several days to figure out what is wrong with your tank. Purple bar bad, red bar GOOD. Red bar likes to be full at all times and keeping it full keeps your tank running and the mobs off of you, much like keeping gas in your car keeps you from walking. :twisted: