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Server Merge Info

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 1:10 pm
by curtis
With the Imminent merging of tholuxe Paells and The Rathe, I expect a few TA people might head this way to see what these new Aussies are about.

In essence we are very similar to you. We are casual raiders (3 times a week). Fortunately our raid nights do not conflict with yours at all.

We do not believe in rotations, and have opposed them since they were first brought to Tholuxe Paells in 2001. Wreckers played a large part in seeing Rotations scrapped on TP. This policy will continue.

It is my hope that our 2 guilds can co-exist peacefully. Time will tell if this is possible as separate entities. Regardless, The immediate future for us all is uncertain. Many options remain open (guild mergers, server moves, alliances, total FFA chaos resulting in guild death).

Lets not be hasty to adopt one path until the new server merger settles down a bit

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 2:10 pm
by TadeshaN
Who is this TA you speak of? Went looking and couldn't find any guilds on The Rathe with that name... Could of course just be Tade being blonde.

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 2:27 pm
by Angelsheart
refer to the other merger link
its short for Terror-Australis

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 2:34 pm
by curtis
Tade is not in Wreckers, so does not have access to the link in the Private forums. :P

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 3:26 pm
by Thoraf
Our New Neighbours

(yeah notice the correct spelling :)

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 7:25 pm
by TadeshaN
Ahh I am much more informed now. I have also noticed that Karana server and Bertox will be merging on 28 April 05. If things go pear shaped for us we may well consider moving to your server The Rathe it will be yes? with our "complimentary move".

Then we would just have to work hard to get to a useful level/flags (of which we have none) etc to actually play with you all!

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 8:51 pm
by Sianni
Very little of any interest on the TA boards. Must have private boards also. They don't seem to have made any commentary about the server merge either...

Posted: Wed 30 Mar, 2005 10:06 pm
by Thoraf
Maybe they can post here about it..

though in general I feel that people on TP are less board shy than TA. Maybe they had some big board wars early on and just decide not to bother so much now.

Heheh though RTA site has a few good ones :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 10:40 am
by Eriand
Greetings to you all Wreckers, Eriand here from Terror Australis, just dropping in say say hello and welcome you to your (soon to be) new home :)
We look forward to seeing you in game and working with you.

P.S. Don't believe you read on the RTA boards, most of them are just trolls!

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 10:53 am
by Wolvurene
Wolvurene here, Terror Australis officer and monk. See you guys on the 18th for some chaos, I predict. If we act like remoras, we might get some choice bits whilst the sharks all fight it out. :P

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 11:42 am
by Thoraf
Well for my part we welcome guests on raids and TA are no exception.

however not sure if we can copy with 45 TA guests on the first night :)

Obviously some things will need to be looked at.

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 11:55 am
by Kofn
Greeting Eriand and Wolvurene, thanks for stopping by :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 12:18 pm
by Mazia
Nice to meet you guys - look forward to meeting some more Ausi players - one issue for a lot of our members has been finding offtime groupage - hrrrm may or may not be good with you guys raiding on our off nites - lmao

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 2:19 pm
by Aamasie
Hiya guys,

Looking forward to meeting you'all on TR. :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 2:46 pm
by Feistt
OMG to many Aussies! We need more Kiwis content! :twisted:

After all we can’t beat you at soccer, rugby, league, cricket and basketball. But we kick your ass at wood chopping :roll:

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 3:07 pm
by Eriand
Hey, just for interests sake, I am a Kiwi - and TA has quite a few NZ members. It's a bit of a cow staying up until 2am for the raid to finish (or longer since I end up running a few of them).

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 3:13 pm
by Aamasie
Hiya from the other side of the world, I live in the US (we have several US members) and get up at 3am during winters (5am summers) to raid with Wreckers. I have been doing it for 3 years and counting. Sleep? Who needs sleep when there are mobs to kill. :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 3:15 pm
by Thoraf
*hugs* Aam.

Crazy I tell you :roll:

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 3:27 pm
by Angelsheart
Aam doesnt count now ranjas got autofire which makes them sleep even more :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 3:36 pm
by Mazia
Amm is just crazy :) but its dam nice having her arround :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 3:39 pm
by Olharb
Hey, we have to hit assist 3-4 times a night. Unless we can get room to hang back 200 meters behind the rest of the raid then we just play blackjack using /ran 11 to deal, bets start at 5pp a hand.

I mean.. we're a hard working part of the raid force! You can't fire me, I quit!

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 4:25 pm
by offen
Hi Wreckers 70 war here from TA lfg in advance, looking forward to grouping and meeting you all when you hit the Rathe.
however not sure if we can copy with 45 TA guests on the first night

Woot zerg force we should combine a raid one night and see how much damage we can do. Seeya on the rathe :)

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 4:29 pm
by Thoraf
I think our combined raid force might cap the raid limit.

However I guess we could drop bots.. not sure how much two boxing etc you guys do, but we have a few members that induldge to keep things going.

as for LFG. Unless you're guesting on raids, playing during the day on weekends then I think we're all raiding either you guys or us :I

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 6:00 pm
by Mazia
Well it would be nice to come to some keying arrangement together to say the least - but more grouping options would be good when we arnt raiding - but as things stand could be interesting.

Many of you TA types from WA?

Posted: Fri 01 Apr, 2005 6:36 pm
by Thoraf
Also, as you can imagine on a low population server, on australian timezone, with guilds like AN/CF acting all attractive by tearing up EP content and beyond, Wreckers grew good at low number precision kills.

It's not uncommon for the only of a needed class to be botted on a raid.

Now, why the fuck do we have so many rangers? :)