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Posted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 12:12 pm
by Thothamen
Hello Thothamen,

GM Woebot here in regards to your pet's name. The name Wanker is a violation of our naming policy so while you were offline I changed your pet's name. No other action will be taken, but further violations of our policies may result in disciplinary action on this account.

I granted your character a free pet name change, so you can change your pet's name. To do this, use the command /changepetname. Please be sure to choose an appropriate name.

Below I have pasted a link to our Knowledge Base which gives more details on naming policy:

Naming Policy -

If you have any other issues or concerns feel free to contact us at any time.

GM Woebot the Robot
Sony Online Entertainment

Really? coming from a guy named Woebot? That's creative!

Posted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 2:20 pm
by Jarinu

Posted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 7:56 pm
by Gamanern
Bopper (as in Bop the Bishop)

I am sure there are plenty more colourful names you could choose. :)

Posted: Tue 17 Dec, 2013 3:07 am
by Combos
/changepetname Yanker

Posted: Tue 17 Dec, 2013 8:15 am
by biliy

Prob going to have Turd, Poon and Cawksuka (pets on the mage, shm and necro) smashed too.


Posted: Tue 17 Dec, 2013 11:30 am
by Thothamen
I had Wanker for a year so I am sure someone complained. Wanker is now Orkus. I don't want to be colorful due to we all know SOE can't take a joke. I would hate to lose 12,200 aas.

Posted: Tue 17 Dec, 2013 11:40 am
by Nescafe
It was good while it lasted !

Remember BD raid,,, HEAL THE WANKER!

Posted: Wed 18 Dec, 2013 4:18 pm
by Creac
Should have gone with either:

Vvanker or Uuanker.

Put in a petition about the GM's name being offensive as you have a lisp and feel he's having a go at people with a speech impediment.

Posted: Wed 18 Dec, 2013 4:46 pm
by Kimosavi
Creac wrote:Should have gone with either:

Vvanker or Uuanker.

Put in a petition about the GM's name being offensive as you have a lisp and feel he's having a go at people with a speech impediment.
+100. Do it !!

Vewy well, i shall welease wodewick.

Posted: Thu 19 Dec, 2013 6:28 am
by Artreth

The Puns could go on, but alas, I understand not wanting to get pwnd by SoE. Debating on Changing BooBoo's name, but as I never get the little ruffian out, I don't see the point =P

Posted: Thu 19 Dec, 2013 6:28 am
by Kimosavi
Theyre a bit overhanded. Should only make changes if someone cries.