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Joss whedon is not the greatest geek that ever lived.

Posted: Wed 16 May, 2012 1:15 pm
by curtis

But Joss is a pretty cool geek!

Posted: Wed 16 May, 2012 3:28 pm
by sazxus
Wow. I read that all. Pretty neat story. I'm to lazy to cross reference it right now.
but I wonder if its all true.

Posted: Wed 16 May, 2012 5:08 pm
by amadeas
sazxus wrote:Wow. I read that all. Pretty neat story. I'm to lazy to cross reference it right now.
but I wonder if its all true.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is all true, would be the typical "douche-baggery" thing that would happen over there.
Similar to apple's ex poly parrot ceo jobs stealing and cashing in like edison et al :!:

Posted: Wed 16 May, 2012 5:21 pm
by curtis
How much is true, it's hard to verify. Tesla really was batshit crazy. Several things he invented he never wrote down, so there is only the statements of a batshit crazy guy to go off.

Certainly everything in that comic has an element of truth, though much rely's on a particular point of view. Much of it is verifyably true and he really was taken advantage of a few times. He really was a genius ahead of his time. Flawed batshit crazy genius, but it so often is isn't it.

Posted: Wed 16 May, 2012 5:41 pm
by curtis
By the way, the dirty war tactics employed by Edison in the AC vs DC war I have read about before. George Westinghouse employed Tesla to commercialise AC. He succeeded and eventually AC won the battle to be accepted as the means to deliver electricity to the world. There was a very nasty propaganda war instigated by Edison against General Electric. Including the public execution of an elephant that had escaped handlers and killed three people. Edison staged a public execution using Alternating Current and recorded the event paying for it to be demonstarted in cinemas.

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