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how are monks these days?

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 1:38 am
by budhha blessem
came back to the game to say hello to some old friends recently. havent played in probably 6 or so years so im back to noob status and looking for a few tips

used to play a sk. favorite class ever, was hella fun but startring over and trying to get a new sk back to where mine was when i left doesnt sound fun.

been playing a bruiser (similar to eq monk) in eq2 pvp for couple years.
was wondering how monks are nowadays in eq.

-can i solo decently compared to what a sk can do or will i always need a group?
-what is the monk role here? am i just the puller or can i pump out respectable dps also?
-how are monks in duels / pvp? who kills us and who do we kill

thanks for the infos.

Re: how are monks these days?

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 1:31 pm
by Saburo
budha blessem wrote: -can i solo decently compared to what a sk can do or will i always need a group?
-what is the monk role here? am i just the puller or can i pump out respectable dps also?
-how are monks in duels / pvp? who kills us and who do we kill

thanks for the infos.
1. Soloing or Duoing with a Mercenary is completely doable. I could solo in House of Thule (the last expansion) all through Teir 1 and could easily take out Teir 2 names with a healer Merc. You will need significant gear and plenty of awesomeness but it's doable. My methods were different to those of other solo monks.

2. Monks in EQ were delegated as primary DPS dealers with the ability to "in a pinch" tank. I can tank perfectly reasonably but there is no substitute for a meat shield. Avoidance tanking is the specific term and bruisers are similar (though they got overpowered some time ago in EQ2). You will take more damage than a meat shield but you will get hit less often.

3. Monks are pretty decent in PvP. Casters stand next to no hope expecially against a well AA'd monk with stuns etc. Plate classes put up more of a resistance but a Monk's ability to self heal and our ability to dish out large amounts of DPS (at high levels with good gear) mean things drop fast enough to not matter.

Overall Monks are a good all rounder class. They do not have the highest DPS overall but make up for that loss in the ability to handle hits. For insane DPS people choose Berserkers or Wizards. Monks sit in the same area as Rangers in that both can "pinch" tank (though Rangers do better in some cases and worse in others). Monks are heavily reliant on their gear to be decent. You will need good weapons and good gear to achieve high figures (in tanking as well as DPS) however in standard or sub-par gear you will still achieve good results.

Monks rule!

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 2:30 pm
by Artreth
DPS Wise, we have monks topping the parses, for example, Kimo last night in the Upper HoT raid, topped 3 of the 4 phases of the event. I think topping out at 43k DPS on one bit.

Tanking wise, I have been boxing sab as tank in VoA (New Expansion), and he is doing alright. Could probably tank it no issue with a real person playing him due to the ability to hit mend/discs as required, but with me auto attack, few stun discs/aa's, then alt tabbing to my real DPS (wiz), he does well. Barely even steal agro off him either =P. But I box a dru, wiz, mnk, shm so the heals are there when needed.

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 2:32 pm
by Saburo
Artreth wrote:DPS Wise, we have monks topping the parses, for example, Kimo last night in the Upper HoT raid, topped 3 of the 4 phases of the event. I think topping out at 43k DPS on one bit.

Tanking wise, I have been boxing sab as tank in VoA (New Expansion), and he is doing alright. Could probably tank it no issue with a real person playing him due to the ability to hit mend/discs as required, but with me auto attack, few stun discs/aa's, then alt tabbing to my real DPS (wiz), he does well. Barely even steal agro off him either =P. But I box a dru, wiz, mnk, shm so the heals are there when needed.
I'm so l33t I don't even need to play to be awesome! Eat shit Kimo you fairy!

Re: how are monks these days?

Posted: Sat 28 Jan, 2012 1:30 am
by budhha blessem
Avoidance tanking is the specific term and bruisers are similar (though they got overpowered some time ago in EQ2).

whatever do you mean sir? surely me pvping 3 or 4 guys at once and winning with most of my life left or turing on auto attack and watching tv while i farm raid zones is balanced! haha

good stuff, thanks for the info. monks sound pretty cool. my playstyle these days is mostly soloing and pvp. pvp has been fubar over in eq2 for a long time now but i still cant get myself to play any class that doesnt have fd after playing my sk. to many awsome uses, especially in pvp and back here in eq1. dug my bruiser. could solo farm then buy raid gear then kill the raid geared players. :drink:

Posted: Sat 28 Jan, 2012 2:03 am
by budhha blessem
was reading some old stuff on monkly business website while im at work. looks like alot of the monk "disciplines" are really similar to eq2 bruiser temp abilities. sounds pretty badass.

from a bards point of view

Posted: Sun 29 Jan, 2012 1:36 pm
by Wilbo
Monks have some some pretty awesome dps . The way kimo and sab rip thru mobs in alaris is pretty impressive to say the least.

But one thing they forgot to tell you is that they both attend tea parties with their barbie dolls and wear lovely fairy dresses. Im not sure if this a guild requirement or not (you'd have to check with them). Anywyas if your into that kind of thing and enjoy running around like a fairy then definatlely a monk is the way to go.

now if you want to play a real charcter....

Posted: Sun 29 Jan, 2012 5:37 pm
by Kimosavi
Bards suck, now and forever !!!! 8-) They used to be ok around the Kunark era but sony nerfed crap out of them about 18mths back when I retired Kenn. Had no inclination to play him anymore so NFI if things have changed in the 18mths or so since then but knowing sony I gather not much has changed for bard utility for melee, for casters they are fine sony just cant find a balance for bards.

Sab is just jealous because my epeen is markedly bigger than his.

Posted: Sun 29 Jan, 2012 5:54 pm
by Saburo
Kimosavi wrote:Bards suck, now and forever !!!! 8-)

Sab is just jealous because my epeen is markedly bigger than his.
I have to agree with Kimo on his first note there. Bards just suck, end of story.

If I was to come back you know you'd stand no chance against my awesomeness Kimo :)

Posted: Sun 29 Jan, 2012 6:11 pm
by Kimosavi
Saburo wrote:If I was to come back you know you'd stand no chance against my awesomeness Kimo :)
On a bad day I'd still kick your ass !!! ;-) (edit: while holding the baby)

Posted: Mon 30 Jan, 2012 9:05 am
by Melodionxxx
Haha, monks believe they have their day in the sun, oh wait... you quit =P