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Posted: Wed 10 Nov, 2010 5:05 pm
by Darksiege
Deleted - not happy with this post about eyesight. Please delete.

Re: Eyesight please read

Posted: Wed 10 Nov, 2010 5:11 pm
by Saburo
Darksiege wrote:I have been playing Everquest since before Plane of Hate, Fear and Sky. All the time I played with full gamma, In my opinion this was a critical decision on my eyesight. I now have too wear glasses because Im long sighted ( things in a distance seem blurry). The short sight is fine, however I read that this is not permanent and continueing too game will cause more damage and/or loss of sight.

Im now playing with gamma at 0 (wish me luck) too prevent myself from going blind. You can also alter your monitor options for less brightfullness.

I am writing this post too warn people of my experience. I am only 24 years of age and someday you may be in my shoes.

More information is definately welcome.

P.S. I think you can buy a screen over ur monitor which also helps (more info please)
They are called screen filters. They have been around since the early days of computing. See here. The same principles apply with your problem here as with people who work around loud noises, such as construction workers. That is called industrial deafness. The simple matter is when being bombarded by any source eventually things are going to strain/break. If you find your eyes are hurting that is generally your body's way of saying take a break.

Posted: Wed 10 Nov, 2010 5:24 pm
by Creac
I've been using computer monitors of one sort of another since 1980. I have perfect vision.

There's no doubt that monitors and other things can cause vision problems and I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues. Screen filters are not so much in vogue these days with LCD monitos, which generally are less of a strain on eyes than CRT.

As Saburo said, if your eyes feel tired or sore or you're straining when trying to look at a monitor, you need to do something about it. One of the main problems with monitors is that they reduce your blink rate, which means your eyes dry out and become tired.

If you're already pre-disposed to degraded vision (and pretty much everyone is - it's just a matter of time) then whenever it kicks in you'll probably have to make some adjustments.

Gamma, in and off itself, isn't about monitor brightness. It's about relative brightness and it's what lets you see things when normally the game would show them as being too dark to see. Yes, you have more light because dark is a lack of light, but it's different to actually adjusting the brightness of your monitor. In other words, you can adjust the gamma without significantly increasing the lumens being pumped out by the monitor.

I'd recommend doing whatever your doctor or opto tell you :-)

Posted: Wed 10 Nov, 2010 9:08 pm
by Kofn
I play with a blindfold on and speakers off.

How do you think I do it?
(You won't know)
What makes me so good?

I ain't got no distractions
Can't hear those triggers or spells
Don't see the RL yelling
I play by sense of smell
Always get the phat loots
Never use the loo
This deaf, dumb and blind troll
Sure plays a mean EQ

I'm an EQ wizard
There has to be a twist
Well not really a wizard
But I have a supple wrist!

Posted: Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:35 am
by Creac
Nice work, Weo.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov, 2010 1:56 pm
by Gnobuff
I prefer 'Pictures of kofn'.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov, 2010 2:19 pm
by Thoraf
Yeah good luck dark, hope it helps out. Not sure of the science involved so won't comment.

kofn, brilliant work man :)

Re: Eyesight please read

Posted: Thu 11 Nov, 2010 2:40 pm
by Ridgy
Darksiege wrote:. I now have too wear glasses because Im long sighted ( things in a distance seem blurry). )
Actually, you are SHORT sighted.

Myopia is commonly known as short-sightedness or near-sightedness. It means that the eye is unable to focus the light from objects that are far away, making them seem blurry.

I saw an eye specialist a few weeks ago, and have the same problem.

Happy Hunting,

Posted: Thu 11 Nov, 2010 4:15 pm
by Aedryen
however I read that this is not permanent and continueing too game will cause more damage and/or loss of sight
It should read "however I read that this is not permanent and continueing to use computers alot will cause more damage and/or loss of sight" This is a fact of life, my dad for exmaple since retiring from work no longer needs to use his glasses as much as he used to as instead of working at a PC for 8 hours a day he is playing golf most days.....

It is no way shape or form related to gaming, it is related to the number of hours a day you spend looking at a computer screen. I have become a bit of an research freak on all things eye related since being diagnosed with a diesease in my left eye and I wanted to know as much as possible about eye issues.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov, 2010 6:40 pm
by Selinea
If you are playing with 0 gamma you are straining your eyes to see and that will make any eye problem worse...

Posted: Mon 29 Nov, 2010 10:18 pm
by Suzuko

Re: Eyesight please read

Posted: Wed 01 Dec, 2010 7:25 pm
by Deadweight
Darksiege wrote:I have been playing Everquest since before Plane of Hate, Fear and Sky. All the time I played with full gamma, In my opinion this was a critical decision on my eyesight. I now have too wear glasses because Im long sighted ( things in a distance seem blurry). The short sight is fine, however I read that this is not permanent and continueing too game will cause more damage and/or loss of sight.

Im now playing with gamma at 0 (wish me luck) too prevent myself from going blind. You can also alter your monitor options for less brightfullness.

I am writing this post too warn people of my experience. I am only 24 years of age and someday you may be in my shoes.

More information is definately welcome.

P.S. I think you can buy a screen over ur monitor which also helps (more info please)


Re: Eyesight please read

Posted: Fri 03 Dec, 2010 10:49 am
by Gearrwin
Darksiege wrote:I have been playing Everquest since before Plane of Hate, Fear and Sky. All the time I played with full gamma, In my opinion this was a critical decision on my eyesight. I now have too wear glasses because Im long sighted ( things in a distance seem blurry). The short sight is fine, however I read that this is not permanent and continueing too game will cause more damage and/or loss of sight.

Im now playing with gamma at 0 (wish me luck) too prevent myself from going blind. You can also alter your monitor options for less brightfullness.

I am writing this post too warn people of my experience. I am only 24 years of age and someday you may be in my shoes.

More information is definately welcome.

P.S. I think you can buy a screen over ur monitor which also helps (more info please)
<object><param></param><param></param><param></param><embed src=" ... &amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Re: Eyesight please read

Posted: Fri 03 Dec, 2010 2:49 pm
by Saburo
Karthos wrote:
Darksiege wrote:I have been playing Everquest since before Plane of Hate, Fear and Sky. All the time I played with full gamma, In my opinion this was a critical decision on my eyesight. I now have too wear glasses because Im long sighted ( things in a distance seem blurry). The short sight is fine, however I read that this is not permanent and continueing too game will cause more damage and/or loss of sight.

Im now playing with gamma at 0 (wish me luck) too prevent myself from going blind. You can also alter your monitor options for less brightfullness.

I am writing this post too warn people of my experience. I am only 24 years of age and someday you may be in my shoes.

More information is definately welcome.

P.S. I think you can buy a screen over ur monitor which also helps (more info please)
<object><param></param><param></param><param></param><embed src=" ... &amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Oh god seriously... Kindergarten Cop? I guarantee there is a massive list of things Arnie wishes he had never associated with. This and Twins probably topping that with a close 3rd being that dumbass crap about the cinema ticket that honestly I can't even be bother remembering/looking up.

RIP Arnie's film career and all credibility.

Re: Eyesight please read

Posted: Fri 03 Dec, 2010 4:54 pm
by Gnobuff
Saburo wrote:with a close 3rd being that dumbass crap about the cinema ticket that honestly I can't even be bother remembering/looking up.
No need Sab, It's The Last Action Hero, didn't even need to look it up :)
Honestly tho it's a fun over the top action movie, which is pretty much what Arnie is known for. Commando is in similar vain , i haven't seen it in quite some time and guessing it's dated a bit, but at the time, those one liners of his "i let him go" were gold :)

Posted: Fri 03 Dec, 2010 5:35 pm
by Saburo
Oh I wasn't knocking Arnie. I love his movies. Yeah Last Action Hero that's the one. The book was interesting. Movie not so much. But generally you've just got to love the big guy, he can get away with so much more than your average actor.

Commando is a great movie. It's definately in my top 5 Arnie movies.

Posted: Fri 03 Dec, 2010 6:29 pm
by Feann
He also has to be ashamed of junior... i mean... really?

Posted: Mon 06 Dec, 2010 3:55 pm
by Chunk
twins was awesome

Posted: Mon 06 Dec, 2010 4:57 pm
by Naervhun

Say it Chunk you know your going too say it!!

Posted: Mon 06 Dec, 2010 5:09 pm
by Chunk
"Conan! What is best in life?"

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."