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Shaman 87+ spell info

Posted: Sat 23 Oct, 2010 10:51 pm
by Ridgy
Can an experienced shammy tell me which spells I should get for my first 3 of each level from 87 to 90.

As they are not that easy to come by atm I want to get value for the money :-)

So far for 86 I've picked up rank 2 of...

Unity of Soul
Talisman of the Tiger
Untamed Growth.

I would naturally assume anything to improve healing, and the 'talisman's of spells, but unsure of the others.

Happy Hunting,

Posted: Sun 24 Oct, 2010 6:34 am
by Gnobuff
87 - Lethargy - the new lassi
88 - Ascendants Intervention - fast grp emergency heal
88 - Mending Counterbias - slow + HoT
89 - prolly the AE malo
90 - Splash of Glyphdust - this looks an interesting spell, it has a chance to proc a slow, a snare or an AC debuff. To me the AC debuff seems to be the most important thing here - as a shammy you could audio trigger the text "etched by magic glyphdust" and just keep recasting (30s recast) it till you get that one. AC debuff lowers the mobs defensive abilities - it would be the equivalent of adding 554 Atk to everyone = more DPS :)

Posted: Thu 28 Oct, 2010 2:25 pm
by Ridgy
Thanks Roxor.

I've managed to get the spell runes for the Lethargy and Ascendant's Intervention atm.

Happy Hunting,

Posted: Thu 28 Oct, 2010 2:36 pm
by Chunk
The splash one is pretty crap. Don't know any shammies who used the UF version outside of a play around - the debuff doesn't last long, you aren't guaranteed the debuff you want and you could be doing something else thats more productive (slows/heals/dots/tiger).

Posted: Fri 29 Oct, 2010 2:58 am
by Ridgy
Chunk wrote:The splash one is pretty crap.
I actually tried my level 85 version of that on flippy and suddenly I had a number of payers targeted me and starting hitting me for about 10 secs but being another player it didn't harm me... so that spell is a little buggy (85 ver at least).

I'm wondering how good the level 88 counterbias slow is? Says 75%?

Happy Hunting,

Posted: Fri 29 Oct, 2010 5:28 am
by Chunk
Shammy slows have been 75% for a while now, pretty much everything nowadays at least partially mitigates the slow but its still better than no slow at all. The new counterbias is just a new slow with an even better HoT on target's target attached to it (which stacks with shammy and cleric HoTs), so its worth getting and using.

Posted: Fri 29 Oct, 2010 9:10 am
by Thoraf
hmm didn't reliase the heal over time from counterbias stacked.. but then only used it in a group game where the HoT wasn't that important :)

Posted: Sat 30 Oct, 2010 9:59 pm
by Ridgy
I found the counterbias slows heavily resit able, so I gave up using it. Needed the disease debuff before being casted, and even then that got resisted at times. So the spell became a pain.

I just got the level 83 rank 3 tonight so will see if I have better luck.

Happy Hunting,

Posted: Sat 30 Oct, 2010 11:03 pm
by Thoraf
I found counterbias so rarely doens't stick that I almost use it exclusively.

not sure about what other's find.. ?

Posted: Sun 31 Oct, 2010 8:52 am
by Zamkan
The new 88 counterbias is actually completely unresistable. It will not slow mobs that immune to slow, but it will land 100% of the time. You'd be crazy to use anything else.. a no fail slow + tank hea = win

Posted: Sun 31 Oct, 2010 9:09 pm
by Ridgy
Your right as always Zam, the level 88 Counterbias works wonders :-)

Happy Hunting,