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Official EQ Forums

Posted: Thu 20 May, 2010 12:54 pm
by Tenam
Whenever I step over the official EQ forums, I feel like I've entered an alternate dimension where EQ is not fun, people play it only because they have to, it's incredibly too expensive, no one in EQ is ever helpful, "my class isn't balanced!", and "Devs hate players!" Rather than putting on my troll mask and responding to all this retardation, I just decided to come on over here and say, even for the bits of drama here and there, I love Wreckers. Even our most ridiculous of people are at least 100 times more reasonable than the majority of people over there.

Posted: Thu 20 May, 2010 1:55 pm
by varutia
it is however good for amusement sake, also one of the best place to get latest updates on EQ, if you can wade pass all the useless posts.

Also shot me if you want, despite being a bunch evil, self centered bunch, the SK forum, evilgamer is pretty decent information and discussion wise.

Posted: Thu 20 May, 2010 3:28 pm
by Raghaul
Sk's self centered? Never! Who would think that on the sk boards all they do is talk about themselfs :orclol:
my pet hate from the Sony eq fourms is when someone put up a good idear and the other players say that the dev would never do it so don't bother asking.
Posted from my new phone