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International Women's Day.

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 11:10 am
by Tenam
Alright, I'm sure this is going to get a lot of flack. However, let me say, I think women are the bee's knees. I'm all for equality. I think the same about minorities, specifically in the U.S., as that's what I have the most knowledge about. However, what I am against is one people group being more "equal" than another. The international women's day struck me as actually being slightly sexist. By not having an international men's day, to focus on men's issues (testicular cancer, prostate cancer, etc. What have you) it seems to me to be saying that there are no men's issues, or they are not as important as women's issues. I'm not trying to be a butt. I really am interested in seeing what other people think. Please let me know your thoughts. (Woops. Edited to read correctly "International")

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 11:20 am
by Tenam
Well, okay, with a nice Google search, I did find International Men's Day, actually. I guess it does exist. So, nevermind. ;) I'm going to celebrate International men's day this year with a beer, football, and a loud chili fart or two.

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 12:39 pm
by Vexo
It's a valid point, regardless. I doubt Men are excused for work to go celebrate Men's Day. In Denmark, it's called 'Woman Fight Day' and usually hosts a number of rallies etc. complaining that too many women still like cleaning their own homes instead of finding a man to do it for them.

On that note, we also have educational campaigns in Denmark (or we did 7 years past, when I was in high school) which aimed to get more women involved in IT because so few went for it. Where were the campaign for women to get more involved in laying down asphalt or being a carpenter? Also a woeful lack of it there.

But, oh wait, that's a 'man's job'... oh yeah, not sexist at all...

Finally, why don't Womens Rights organizations (in Denmark, anyway) fight for women to also be mandatory for the draw on whether or not they're going to the military? Why are they happy with females having to ASK to be involved in that? That's just demeaning!

So yeah... your point is very valid.

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 1:19 pm
by Miruwin
Women's Rights Day is still a valid concern.

The vast majority of people who don't get an education, who cannot read and write, are women.

The vast majority of people who do not have a say in who they marry are women. Rape in marriage has only been on the statute books of SOME Western countries for a couple of decades. In other words, women have no rights over their own bodies.

The vast majority of people who do not have property rights, are women.

The vast majority of people who do not get the vote are women.

Women in most countries, including Australia, do not get equal pay and equal job promotions to men.

Women in most countries, including Australia, do not get equal health care. This may sound ridiculous, but when a man goes to the doctor with a health issue, it is thoroughly investigated, whereas with women, unless she kicks up a hell of a fuss, it isn't.

If it comes down to relocation because of jobs, the woman is still the one expected to drop her career for her husband.

When it comes to childcare, men very, very rarely put their careers on hold to care for the children, it is expected that women will. Fertility control is still seen in nearly every case as the woman's concern.

Men still do not do equal share of the housework, its actually around 12% of the work that is done by men, when women also have full time jobs.

Up until very recently, and when I first started working this was the case. Women who married were expected to give up work. In some places, married women were fired once they married. I worked in a place that did just that. There were women there who had married but kept it secret from their employer. When that employer found out, these women were fired immediately with no legal redress. This was not a one off scenario, it happened in nearly every workplace.

When I was buying my home, I and my aunt, who had worked for 30 years and I who had worked for 12 years with 2 years off to have kids, had the required deposit, but we were not able to get a bank loan without my husband signing the papers (which he didn't want to do) and my brother going guarantor for us.

Women could not get loans, or even silly things like store cards or hire purchase, without a male guarantor.

Women are still treated like second class citizens in the majority of countries and in the very worst cases, they are nothing more than beasts of burden or possessions.

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 1:24 pm
by Ashendale
As i peeked in to see what was stirring around in wreckerville i stumbled apoun this post and all i could think of is wait til Mir see this I love it nice to see you guys are still around.


Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 1:25 pm
by Thoraf
miruwin wrote: Women in most countries, including Australia, do not get equal health care. This may sound ridiculous, but when a man goes to the doctor with a health issue, it is thoroughly investigated, whereas with women, unless she kicks up a hell of a fuss, it isn't.
if a guy has gone to the doctor there is a serious fkn problem, fix it. He would have shrugged it off and gone to the pub otherwise (to get away from his nagging wfe that has been telling him for months to go to the doctor and do something about it)

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 1:39 pm
by Golgolath
Also, women do not get into the highest tier of heaven

Just sayin'

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 3:13 pm
by Chunk
And lets not forget how crap women are at sport~


Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 6:47 pm
by Kysumu
Miruwin wrote:Women in most countries, including Australia, do not get equal health care. This may sound ridiculous, but when a man goes to the doctor with a health issue, it is thoroughly investigated, whereas with women, unless she kicks up a hell of a fuss, it isn't.
When is comes to Australia this is a load of dribble. Considering as of 2003 28% of GP's in Australia were female and with female medical student enrollments increasing by 50% each year since then I can't see this being possible. If you want to talk about some third world country or another religious state that doesn't have the laws we have then I would agree but come on.

Bring facts. Yes Women are hard done by in other countries and women were hard done by in Australia near on 50 years ago but then again so were the Aboriginals.

Over half what you said above is a load of shit today and has been for years. Go back 40 to 50 years for half of that to be true.

Women Rights are a huge concern but so is the right of any human no matter what their sex, class or race. Australia has proven time and time again to be one of the most forward thinking countries when it comes to Human Rights(and especially Women's Rights) so please bring your above statements to post 1970(and that is giving you at least 20 years)
Miruwin wrote:Up until very recently, and when I first started working this was the case. Women who married were expected to give up work. In some places, married women were fired once they married. I worked in a place that did just that. There were women there who had married but kept it secret from their employer. When that employer found out, these women were fired immediately with no legal redress. This was not a one off scenario, it happened in nearly every workplace.
OMG .. can someone say HR. This hasn't been allowed by law for the last 30 years.

Please leave Australia(and any developed country for that matter) out of these above statements and I will sign any petition that the world is fucked and women are treated like shit.


Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 9:26 pm
by Aedryen
I agree to a certain extend on some points, but
Women in most countries, including Australia, do not get equal health care. This may sound ridiculous, but when a man goes to the doctor with a health issue, it is thoroughly investigated, whereas with women, unless she kicks up a hell of a fuss, it isn't.
Is not the case. My wife works in a medical school and most of the lecturers are female (inlcuding my wife of course!!) and the dean is also female, from what they have said to me women have never had better care. Also from my experience with our newest bub the support is fantastic after childbirth (we had a nurse come out each week)

One thing I do have an issue with womens rights......if women want the same pay in Tennis for grand slams then play 5 sets like the men, and don't spin the men have more endurance bullshit. Women in athletics run 42km just like men......

And I probably do more housework in my house....

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 10:03 pm
by Micahle
one of the most forward thinking countries when it comes to Human Rights
Oh really? Really?


Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2010 2:12 am
by Thyrx
I lost my dream job thanks to women's rights. title 9 is single handedly killing men's olympic sports in college. when i was in highschool i opened the door for a woman who rather than respond thank you came at me with "what? women are so weak we can't open our own doors? just another sexist pig keeping women down!" My office has more men than women in it. i have been instructed to hire women at any cost. so in other words what happens is a more qualified male applicant gets past over so that we can have a female. i as a manager am thinking i don't care what gender they are i want the most qualified.

I have 3 daughters. I want them to have a chance to do whatever their heart desires. that does not mean they should get to do it just because they are a girl.

i have a son. i want him to have a chance to do whatever his heart desires, and not just because he is a boy.

equal rights is a touchy subject, and i have torn feelings on it.

on the one hand a girl should get paid the same as a guy for the same job, however she has to do the same work. my friend drives a truck. she constantly complains that guys get paid more than her. i respond do you lump your own loads? no she does not, but her male counterparts do. do you do your own maintanence and cleaning on your vehicle? no, but her male counterparts do. does she get the guys at several of her stops she gets the suckers in the warehouse to do work for her by smiling and flirting with them. so why should she get paid the same as her male counterpart? does she do equal work? no she does not.

opportunities. are we giving girls opportunities or just legislating social change desired by a few? groups like the national organization of women, and the L.A. Womens group who in their missions and goals state that they are going to "make men understand what it feels like to be repressed" are they out for revenge? sounds like it to me.

take BYU they have a unique social dynamic at that school (Mormons). yet the federal government says it will pull funding from the students. the university does not receive any direct federal funds cause they want to teach what they want to teach, but the government does give money to the students in the form of pell grants, and student loans, so they threaten to take that money away. as backwards as that group may seem that is what they want to do. who are we to say we don't like it change your religeon to fit my desires?

look at what title 9 (gender equity in education, specifically problematic in sports) why is it an athletic department has to drop men's athletic teams and adds women's teams?

three prongs of title 9 are for every dollar you spend on men you must spend the equivalent on women. for every scholarship you give men you must give a scholarship to women. and the best part for every male participant you must have a female participant. this has forced ohio to have a women's crew team (no men's though) a crew team they cannot fill. even offering full scholarships they fail to post a full roster every year. while men's teams are turning athletes away. yet at the university of new mexico the fine arts department has 2 women for every 1 man why aren't we threatening to pull their funding until they have as many men on scholarship as women. and as many men participating as women.

my wife wants to stay at home be a homemaker and scrapbook with her friends, go to her church be the picture of a 1950's women. that is what she wants to do (i wish she desired more she has so many skills and talents, just no desire) who is some group in Los Angeles to tell her she is wrong and ruining all hope for women?

now when one looks at the world umm well women get the shaft many many times over, many countries still consider women property most of the middle east for example. is that right? by my standards no. should it change? yes. is it wrong for me to push my opinion into that countries legal and social structure? (funny when the U.S. does anything like that we as a country are condemed, but somehow that is a completely different subject.)

so yup this post rambled, but i think women deserve an equal opportunity, but how to do it it fairly i am not sure. is the U.S. doing it right? not really. is australia? i don't know i don't live there. is the world? hmmm in my opinion no, but then again that is my opinion and what makes my opinion more valid than sahib mohiljinar from some third world country?

Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2010 7:04 am
by Kysumu
Micahle wrote:
one of the most forward thinking countries when it comes to Human Rights
Oh really? Really?

Ok so you have me on gay rights but d00d, George Michaels on the same weekend as Madri Gra. How can that not be forward thinking. Well at least forward planning.

Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2010 11:14 pm
by Melodionxxx
Thoraf wrote:
miruwin wrote: Women in most countries, including Australia, do not get equal health care. This may sound ridiculous, but when a man goes to the doctor with a health issue, it is thoroughly investigated, whereas with women, unless she kicks up a hell of a fuss, it isn't.
if a guy has gone to the doctor there is a serious fkn problem, fix it. He would have shrugged it off and gone to the pub otherwise (to get away from his nagging wfe that has been telling him for months to go to the doctor and do something about it)
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