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One and Other

Posted: Fri 24 Jul, 2009 4:14 pm
by Miruwin
Has anyone caught up with this at all?

An English artist has set up an installation art work and it involves a plinth about 10 metres above the ground in Trafalgar Square and just common normal garden variety British (and others) have applied to be one of the 2400 people to spend one hour up on top of it over the course of 100 days (or something)

Once up there on their own, they can do pretty much whatever they like for the hour. Mostly it involves crowd participation as the tourists and others watch whatever the person is doing from below.

There is constant 24 hour live streaming of this at

Only the English take eccentricity to such wonderful levels.

As the changeover of the participants happens on the hour, its pretty sensible to watch around that time and see if the person is doing anything of interest.

Posted: Fri 24 Jul, 2009 4:40 pm
by Kofn
Saw some old chick in a snuggly!

Posted: Fri 24 Jul, 2009 4:52 pm
by Miruwin
It wasn't me!

I wasn't there!


I've seen a middle aged Scottish lady teaching us all how to wear a ladies' kilt and the shawl that can be formed from the kilt as well.

I saw a special needs teacher getting audience participation in a series of exercises.

I saw some really bad singer/guitar player

I saw some eccentric reciting his own poetry

I saw a woman dressed as Boadicea and declaiming the loss of the 'Great' in Great Britain.

Oh and this strange woman who had a large umbrella and was tying cut out white doves on long strings with descriptions of various people in the audience and also had those strange multicoloured chiffon ribbons streaming from teh umbrella and making proclamations of world peace.

Lots of weird and interesting people. As I said before, the English do eccentricity so well.

Posted: Fri 24 Jul, 2009 10:22 pm
by Sandelin
I am going to see this next week! It's been the talk of the town lately.

Posted: Sat 25 Jul, 2009 1:27 am
by Golgolath
....SNAD! hi :p

Posted: Sat 25 Jul, 2009 8:22 am
by Miruwin
Hiya Sandie!

Nice to see you still lurking around.