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Posted: Sat 30 May, 2009 6:46 pm
by Nuviana
Hi all,

just wanted to introduce myself. I am currently on Luclin server but am considering a server transfer when finances allow. I spoke to some of your recruitment a year or so ago but at the time i was too scared to move as i was very comfortable with friends and guild where i am now. Circumstances now have me job hunting so raiding in an american based guild isn't an option , plus i find i tend to solo at night as there isn't really others online aussie night time. So im looking to move to a home that fits me.
Nuv is level 85 with 2460 aa. I have void f completed and progression wise have beat the OG raid content. We for now have skipped MMM and Crystallos due to lack of players.
Anyways if anyone would like to x server chat and say hello please do , i'd like to get to know some of you.

PS: I don't often type a book :)

Posted: Sat 30 May, 2009 7:11 pm
by Jarinu
Hiya Nuv. I should probably remember you but I dont ><

What class were you again? We would probably be happy to accommodate you :) Not being behind in flagging is a good thing. We are finishing up the tail end of Crystallos and farming Korofax for keys and such atm.

Skipped some raids in SOD but we will likely do them to have done them.

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 12:05 am
by Aedryen
What guilds were you in on Luclin?

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 2:20 am
by Kofn
Where do you live?!

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 9:08 am
by Nuviana
I am currently in Only the Brave, past guilds included CoE RoS Farstorm and IO. Each move has been due to guild collapse apart from Farstorm , at the time i couldn't keep up with the raid hours so i chose to move to a smaller guild which was RoS.
Nuv is a druid :)

I live in Melbourne.


Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 10:05 am
by Sonna
OOoooOO Mica look a Druid MAIN!!

Good luck with the app, hope to see ya at raid etc :) .

On a side note - We need more Perth persons - I wanna have a BBQ TOOOO!! (would need to buy one first but still ya get the drift)

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 10:20 am
by Aedryen
Was that Post Leyor COE?

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 1:54 pm
by Thoraf
we have a barbie in melb on sun the 7th of june (or something) you should come

nice to make your acquaintence again, shoot me a tell in game anytime to chat !

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 6:24 pm
by Micahle
Yep cus those other druid mains all turned out so well... So well, in fact, i can't even remember their names :P

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 7:53 pm
by Aedryen
so much h8 :(

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 8:09 pm
by Mynks
Watch out aed, he's just trying to draw you in, so he can berry you under the driveway with the rest of the past druids.

Posted: Sun 31 May, 2009 11:56 pm
by leidana
Sonna wrote:OOoooOO Mica look a Druid MAIN!!

Good luck with the app, hope to see ya at raid etc :) .

On a side note - We need more Perth persons - I wanna have a BBQ TOOOO!! (would need to buy one first but still ya get the drift)
you don't have to own a bbq though to host one i hear sonna :twisted:

Posted: Mon 01 Jun, 2009 4:24 am
by Sonna
Leidana wrote:
Sonna wrote:OOoooOO Mica look a Druid MAIN!!

Good luck with the app, hope to see ya at raid etc :) .

On a side note - We need more Perth persons - I wanna have a BBQ TOOOO!! (would need to buy one first but still ya get the drift)
you don't have to own a bbq though to host one i hear sonna :twisted:
This is true would give me a reason to buy one however :)

Posted: Mon 01 Jun, 2009 8:54 am
by Aamasie
Hi Nuv,

Thanks for your interest in Wreckers. :) You are welcome to join wreckers channel (from Luclin) it's one way to get to know the folks.

Posted: Thu 04 Jun, 2009 8:53 pm
by Thoraf
what are your play times anyhow? I never seem to find you online.!? :(

Posted: Sun 07 Jun, 2009 12:53 pm
by Nuviana
My playtime has been a little eractic the last 2 weeks due to jobhunting, sick kids and a kid turning 18 on the 14th June etc. Also i havent stayed online in the evenings due to extreme boredom soloing , so i log in , look around to see who's on and tend to log and watch tv. I am down to the last few tasks for my dark soul crystal and it's buggin heck out of me that cant get it finished. I need a cpl folk to help finish it out and no one has been online lately.

i also went to the food and wine festival yesterday ( gogo gordy) and had a ball , followed by dinner and plenty of wine with some friends in Sunbury.

cheers Nuv

Posted: Mon 08 Jun, 2009 11:42 am
by Thoraf
bah missed out on a bbq yesterday :P just tried again to shoot you a tell but you weren't about.

just xfer, I'm sure there's somone around who can help with your aug, I completed mine last week after months of having like one task to complete :P so slack heeh


Posted: Thu 11 Jun, 2009 8:52 pm
by Nuviana
Tried a x server email as i dont know your chat channel and don't seem to manage to be on when thoraf or aamasie are and it failed sending 3 times.

I'm thinking waving a bottle of bourb about might do the trick.


Posted: Sun 14 Jun, 2009 5:25 pm
by Nuviana
Was great to chat to a few of you the other night , i did some research on the x server transfer and it's $50 US so a bit more aust. I will be looking to transfer once i get my butt into a job and sorted. Nice to see some aussies around even ifn ya all over the other side of Norrath Universe :)

Posted: Sun 14 Jun, 2009 5:54 pm
by Thoraf
heya nuv. yeah was good to chat. make sure you /join bertox.wreckers and keep in touch!

or just shoot me at tell anytime