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Anyone recognise this?

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:13 pm
by Sset


Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:15 pm
by Zurtle
hahah now THAT is old school! and if my memory serves me right.. thats the night wreckers was formed..

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:30 pm
by Sset
Sure is! 10 points to you Zurt.

All 12 of us were there (Sawdoff and Kzar are outside the shot).

Here's another slightly less old one. Poor pretty butterfly:


Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:30 pm
by Jarinu
Very old school. Hi Sset!

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:31 pm
by Jarinu
Dead Shaman the secret to wreckers success!

got any photos of mooks? Or did that come later.

"gratz mooks!"

hehe I see the original Zappity and Mystie in that shot also.

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:32 pm
by Sset
Actually dead halfling druids were always the key to our success. Just ask Boppin!

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:33 pm
by Jarinu
Hrrrm Boppin movie trivia for the win

Assling sacrifice!

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:34 pm
by Sset
If you mean screenshots of the actual character Mooks then no. Flake being the flake he is didn't manage to level beyond about 25 or so I think.

There may be some grats mooks jokes in some of my screenshots somewhere but I have two CDs full of them so it may be difficult to locate. =/

Posted: Tue 22 Jul, 2008 5:36 pm
by Sset
Good old Nergal. Other guilds were too chicken to use such a fragile looking tank, but Nergs was a champ!


Posted: Wed 23 Jul, 2008 2:56 am
by Aamasie
Hi Sset,

It's lovely to see those old picture, thanks, pieces of Wreckers history.

Posted: Wed 23 Jul, 2008 5:39 am
by Defila
<--- as Wreckers' first SK main, I was Mooks' cock-block for twink gear... :twisted:

Nice to see the old shots.


Posted: Wed 23 Jul, 2008 5:48 am
by sazxus
Holly shit sup Defila !

Hows ya been?

Posted: Wed 23 Jul, 2008 9:00 pm
by curtis
Gday Sset, thanks for posting the pics. Great memories. Like Benaire hitting on the GM and getting DT'd. Silk cannying himself to death at 4am in VP.

I remember a gif thor made from a couple screenshots, came out as Tart riding Kysumu.

Nice to see Defila lurking in the thread too. He disappeared without trace a while back. Good to see ya mate. :)

Posted: Thu 24 Jul, 2008 9:11 am
by Miruwin
Oh noes!

Be careful you don't reveal Wreckers leet strat of killing huge mobs we shouldn't have been able to get near - two afk rangers and a couple of charmed fire beetles.

Posted: Thu 24 Jul, 2008 10:58 am
by Sset
Hey Curtis, good to see ya big fella.

You're still playing this old dinosaur hey.

Glad there's still some people I know carrying the Wreckers flag!

I have a heap more screenshots but I was actually being lazy and just linking the ones directly off our history page at:

Unfortunately all the best possible screenshot moments have been lost, such as Benny getting deathtouched by the GM cause he was hitting on her, Vamenea jumping out of plane of air, Izamijr's hissy fit when she didn't get the weapon she wanted in ToV, and that GM showing up in the middle of a fight against Telkorenar to tell me off for 'harassing' Lyrena.

I don't think I even have a screenshot of "Autofollow on Raenaras, DONT GET ME KILLED!!!" any more! Good old Issy!

Good memories. =)

Posted: Fri 25 Jul, 2008 4:22 am
by Marakesh
Sset wrote:Izamijr's hissy fit when she didn't get the weapon she wanted in ToV
It's a Wreckers tradition! :wink:

Posted: Sun 03 Aug, 2008 1:31 am
by Thoraf
How about Scatt in orge form on the bridge in Velks?

Good old iss... :P

Posted: Fri 26 Sep, 2008 2:26 pm
by Scattrick
Lol you all loved Mooks ^_^

I still have the Mooks account =)

Posted: Fri 26 Sep, 2008 2:27 pm
by Scattrick
Thoraf wrote:How about Scatt in orge form on the bridge in Velks?

Good old iss... :P
They were fun times Thor. /sigh

Posted: Fri 26 Sep, 2008 2:35 pm
by Micahle
Hi Scat :)

Posted: Fri 26 Sep, 2008 2:44 pm
by Scattrick
Hi Mic ^_^

Been a long long long time

Posted: Fri 26 Sep, 2008 4:39 pm
by Jarinu
Hi scat

Posted: Fri 26 Sep, 2008 11:13 pm
by Aamasie
Hi Scatt :)