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Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 7:28 am
by Creac
Yeah, the Zek clowns have always been amusing. We had some try an online "jihad" of spam back at the Prexus boards (well, they tried numerous times).

When it resulted in EZboard closing down their board and every board they attempted to open, they came back crying and asking us to stop.

The game is about PvE, not PvP. If you want PvP, try an FPS. Or if you had a class that wasn't born with PvP advantages then perhaps we could be impressed by yours skills. Oh yes, so skillful that in 9 years of playing EQ you hadn't managed to complete your 1.5 or to even level to 75. Not everyone's play style aims for those things, but yours obviously did as it's all your whined about the whole time you were in game. You became frustrated when your guilt trips didn't work. Meh, your problem.

You spent your time complaining that people in the Arena wouldn't fight you instead of trying to find groups to help you.

I told you that you were over reacting and to let it go for a couple of weeks, but that wasn't good enough for you. You couldn't receive your instant gratification so you blew your meaningless EQ-load in a fit of childishness befitting a Zekker. Well done.

In just over 9 months in Wreckers I've gone from ... 2575975269 to ... 8086934837 and I've made many friends met both in game and out of game. Here's a hint if you try to play the game again and want to progress. Log in and say hi and ask if anyone needs a hand with anything. Do that for a couple of months and make a point of grouping and helping everyone you can. Then, you know what? You *keep* doing that.

You think Golgo was less than generous, but you hadn't been around long enough to see the time and effort he put into doing things like farming plat to pay for the AAAA for a dozen people's last blood augs (if not more). You hadn't been around long enough to realise that Mica has long stopped needing XP. You haven't been around long enough to realise that Miru has forgotten more useful and interesting things than you will ever know. You haven't been around long enough to realise that I'm being nice to you at the moment.

On reflection, your biggest mistake was being yourself.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 8:17 am
by Mazia

Well wuwu

Honestly... one of the things I would have thought any person from a pvp server would know is how to stick something out. But then again you server transfered...

There are some points through all of your spam which are valid ones that many many people before you have gone found in our guild and not survived. So anyways congrats on weeding yourself out of the guild.

I told you yesterday what you needed to do in our little family to achieve the things you want to achieve but I got the impression that was too hard. Did you think already that you had alienated yourself from that many people already you were not going to get any help without an officer running things for you? Guilds like any group are made up of People that are willing to do thigns for each other. But the willingness comes through the frendships you make. That takes time.

I thought it was a bit odd but defended your training incident in icefall I see now that was a mistake.

The core of this guild is made up of mature people that have been playing the game as long as you have but they have also been playing better with others longer. I am sorry you didnt get to know people better in your time here but as far as your eliteism crap get over yourself.

Golgol, miru, creac and mica are better people for not having to deal with you any more.

/proud to be blue. Who could stand shit like this day to day on a pvp server

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 8:25 am
by Sonna
Oh how much we miss when we are sleeping !!!!!

I would like to say this ... in regard to your epic fight Luv i am sure i asked in the LFG part of your epic thread what day and time you wanted to do this (fulling intending to help you), you remained vague about it, i am not going to log on and wait a day incase you are going to do it .... I did not see anything in /gu about it (but i am known not to pay attention to it :oops: ) Nor did i get one tell about.

As for the rest of it ... luv i rather liked you but after reading this i have changed my mind .. the things you have said about goliegol are wrong and unfounded, he has always been helpful and more then willing to help others out not only with his time but TSing, after all was it not a failed combine that got you all bent out of shape with him in the 1st place ?. /hugs goliegol.

What you said about mica also wrong .. mica is a sweet guy and has helped me more then once (with my silly druid questions :) /hugs mica ) and so what if he wants to spend time on line with his partner ? what is wrong with that ??? and he is a very good healer, perhaps you should try some decorum and manners on for size ?? :)

Now what ya said about Miru .. dood that was just wrong !!! she is old enough to be your mother .. show some fcken respect..... begs the question if you were raised or just oozed out form under some rock.

Oh and you can bet your arse Creac tried, his advise to you was spot on pity you seemed to have ignored it and done the opposite. as with a little more time and some manners (not to mention plaining) i am sure we would have helped you with your epic.

Now with regard the other shit .. that is just fcken priceless ... but i do have one question why was i not thanked or flamed !!!! ???

Good bye luv and good luck, i fear you will need it with your attitude.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 8:31 am
by Ephyr

almost missed this thread....

with no title per se...and in the general section...i assumed someone was promoting little blue pills or pamela anderson vids....

almost didn't read it....

-Ephyr and bots

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 8:31 am
by roobboo
Sorry you feel the way yo do Luv. With some (not much) patience you would have achieved all your goals but I certainly take your point about PvP. If thats paramount to you then Wreckers is probably the wrong place to hitch your wagon.
And lastly, OMG Creac your previous posting was very impressive. Concise, fair, well written, constructive and articulate. Take a bow.

Re: .

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 11:18 am
by ronni
luvwenx wrote:Golgo - you;re the biggest fag/retard i've ever known in eq in 9 years
I really thought it was a compliment =.=;; my reading comprehension wins!

seriously, no one owe anyone anything for just being in the same guild .. u have to earn them

btw the shot @ miru was cheap, cant believe anyone would do that /boo

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 11:35 am
by Maclain
Good grief.

Luv, what you might not understand about a blue server, about a good guild like Wreckers, and perhaps about EQ and life in general, is that sometimes people have other people that they are helping do things like quests, camping, leveling, etc, and that it is not quite fair to ask them to drop what they are doing at any given moment to come help you instead of that other person/people. Perhaps the lukewarm response to helping with your epic final fight came because you had already ruffled some feathers with previous sarcastic remarks etc.

Luv, I have been a Wrecker for about 4 or 4.5 years now (minus a year retirement from EQ), and I will tell you without reservation that Wreckers is the best guild around. I have been in other endgame guilds (left for a few months due to schedule change before my retirement, and good god Malus Imperium made my eyes bleed), and I will point this out to you Luv : Wreckers is one of the few guilds to survive over the 7 years I have been playing. We have had our share of drama, since the Silkenshammie days of FFA to now, and Wreckers has survived because of good people. You bash Gogotard, but I will tell you that I have seen him help not only the guild as a whole, but also individuals, a helluva lot. Same with Ephyr, whom I grouped with quite a bit when I first came back to Wreckers last year... hella nice guy, and always willing to help. Miruwin has helped every single member of this guild out with one thing or another (christ I can't believe you bashed Miru), and I think Creac has too.... hell Luv, look at every member and you will see peeps helpin each other.... Shaf, Gimo, Creac, Aam, the list goes on to include everyone. You have bashed some very good peeps Luv, and that is the wrong way to deal with a disagreement. You usually cannot be friends with everyone you meet, whether here or in Real Life.... there is almost always someone in any given group that may have some sort of personality conflict with you. But I can honestly say Luv that there is not a single person in Wreckers that I dislike. These are good people.

Luv, you have to understand that joining a group of people, whether in EQ or in Real Life, you must first get to know the people and also contribute time and effort not only to individuals but to the group as a whole before you can start making requests or demands of their time and efforts...... that's just the way life works, Luv. It's give-and-take, it's help and you will be helped. And you know what happens somewhere in the middle of all that? You make friends. You get to know the peeps and you come to want to help them with whatever they need, and they end up wanting to do the same in return. That's partly how friends are made, Luv, along with honesty and integrity.

I'm sorry to see that this didn't work out for you, and I hope you can find a new group and make some friends. Just remember to get to know the people first, and to make your own contributions before you start demanding theirs.

-- Mac

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 12:31 pm
by boonees
Hrrmm im guessin about the last group luv had was with me and gimpy ?
Maybe my harrassment and bad language was the final straw ?

Those that know me realize im usually just winding em up, however in your case you really are a fucktard, oh and i wouldnt heal your arse either well done mic. :wink:

Only those that have been here long enough get to call golgo names, he maybe a bitz at times, (actually most of the time) but he is our bitz, shudder :orcsad:

And your shitting on miru, boggle :!: our resident granny who does imo a damn fine job and is one of our mainstays, does tend to get slightly disorientated when the gps aint workin, but she is ours so go back to ya corner :twisted:

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 2:37 pm
by Mynks
ronni wrote:hmm wat had i missed? (running with popcorn + coke with his hands)
Ronni your supposed to run with scissors, coke and popcorn is bad :P

SOme of this stuff is just priceless, but attacking miru WOW. If u wanted to commit guild suicide that was deffinatly the way to go Luv, because if anyone still liked you, it stopped after that statement.

Congrats on passing stupidity 101, now get back in your box.

PS Its posts like these i miss the old 7th hammer boards :cry:

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 4:37 pm
by Melodionxxx
Luvsbitching wrote:no creac the biggest mistake i made was to think this was a mates guild
Yes it is a mates, you're not my mate tho.

You think every app is 'insta-mate?' Sorry man, takes longer than that. Sorry we failed to get you your epic, it amazes me that everyone else in guild has one, how did that happen?

Must have been the epic fairies!

Insult Miruwin will you? Get fucked you nasty vicious little piece of zekking turd.


Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 4:50 pm
by Miruwin
I'm not really sure what I did to upset Luv. I did help a couple of times and offered my help for his epic run whenever he was ready to do it. I thought I was being reasonably nice and all the good stuff. I obviously wasn't.

I just want to thank all those who responded with their nice words about me though. Thank you.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 6:44 pm
by Fendaren
Well I think it is high time that a gnome got invlolved in this discussion cause it is getting way too serious.

Luv, I feel for you but insulting everyone in the guild is not the way to go. I get onto EQ most weekends and have trouble getting groups going as well but that is me.

There are some who are off boxing and I fully appreciate that they may want to just be there by themselves - sometimes they invite you into group - sometimes they don't. That is them.

I remember you posting or saying at some stage that Lei used to log on and get a group straight away well I have seen Lei log on and not get a group and log off later. She doesn't whinge she just goes and rides her horses.

Now for your experience with Gol - I guarantee you that he didn't rip you off - why ? why would he ? if he wanted to alienate you - he would have just refused the combine. Gol is not like that - he failed on a combine - it DOES happen - even for a GM. As for the Time raids - Mazia never gets an invite either :P Quite frankly, your attitude here suggests that it was probably a good idea that you did not come.

You got on the wrong side of some people but you could have worked your way back if YOU wanted too. Insulting peeps (esp Miruwin) just goes to show that you probably are not Wreckers material and I am sorry that you transferred from another galaxy to get here.

I have been in this guild for the past 3 years and their are some people here that I consider my good friends. If you have to go, then goodbye but pls go with some grace.

Just my 2cp


Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 6:58 pm
by Thordoc

at least the guild is better of without him.

how long did i spend in the wreckers channel getting to know peeps, and i'm fairly anti-social at times

anywho just wanted to stick up for a few in here

golgo....what can you say about the man, works his fckn ass off to do things for the guild and guildies, how many toons did he box through fate of the combine mission to get ally faction for them??

creac... works damn hard on the nights he leads raids, but still jumped in on an off day to try and get the epic done for luv. that's dedication to leading

mica... tbh havent really gotten to know the man fully yet, but that seems to be my loss. will work on that mica, i've had a few /tell chats with ya over the time can anyone bad mouth miru??!!??

anywho that's my few coppers

P.S. had one of the best laughs i've had in ages, thanks for burning your bridges like that luv

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 6:59 pm
by Thordoc
oh yeah almost forgot

leidana...she's simply the bestest heheh :D

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 7:05 pm
by leidana
Wow i got mentioned :)

Yeah i will log on and sometimes do what the others do and sit there lfg for a while and chat yes chat to people.

Other times I will spend time with Lily and yes go ride my horse(it's something i do outside of my job)

Strangely enough i didn't realise it was that noticeable that sometimes i got groups quickly.

Tbh i was put off you when you implied that Gol failed the combine so i could get my bp. To suggest someone like Gol who has helped Joe and I considerably since we have both been in wreckers is pathetic to say the least.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 8:00 pm
by Saldarcheck
Good by Luv, didn't get to know u - now, don't want to......
Now get off the PC as im sure ur mum said u had to be in bed by 7pm.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul, 2007 9:49 pm
by Olharb
Expecting Mica to heal you during a raid is a bad assumption from the start. And it's always been an unspoken, snickered about rule that if you become a liability to the group's survival, you're going down like a sack of bricks. On a serious note though, he made a great trade-in when Free and he swapped servers.

Getting pwned on a PvP server isn't half as embarassing as pwning your own reputation on a PvE server. Can't just drag that back to Shadowrest to freshen it up.

The thought of Golgo fudging a combine just makes me giggle. The guy with enough plat that it takes a back brace and a DA to make a withdrawal. Same one that could have made millions more selling the AAAA's he hands out to the guild. Yep, that rotten bastard.

Posted: Tue 03 Jul, 2007 10:19 am
by izno
man o man look at all the fun stuff i miss cause i don't work nites anymore. usually when i log on there aren't very many peeps on so i just farm pp. but lately i have been soloing ldon's when i can great fun for me. i really miss raiding with you guys makes me sad i can't help since i am at work or on the way there when the raid starts. oh well any more drama going on that i should know ? any way sometime i'll try to make a saturday raid but its hard to get up that early now well sometimes it is lol. well take care guys i miss you all se you when i can

Posted: Tue 03 Jul, 2007 10:30 am
by Mazia
We miss ya too izno. Good that you have a life now tho with the daytime job. Time to get that Bakery tho!

Ldons are actually pretty theraputic when you look at it :P

Posted: Tue 03 Jul, 2007 10:49 am
by Shlob
WOW! look at what i have missed! <3 all of you. am i a mate mello! :)

Posted: Wed 04 Jul, 2007 12:27 am
by Sazxus_666
You guys are all stupid heads.

This luv person sounds like a real sweet-heat thats going places in the
Redserver EQ world.
I want everyone to think about how they have wronged this amazing spirit,And how much it has obviously hurt him/her/it.
Then send him/her/it a tell when him/her/it isn't at his/her/its super important government job or extracting favors from strangers on his/her/its super awesome and deadly Red server and apologize to him/her/it.

Posted: Wed 04 Jul, 2007 1:03 am
by Bariselon
Well now that im done laughing and the tears are done flowing. Thanks for the laughs Luv.

First off if you really got to know everyone in this guild you would know we rip on each other all the time, especially some more then others (gogo).

I mean you think Mic was bad try being in Weo's group, heal pots ftw. You learn quick and laugh later.

Miru is also one of the nicest people to talk to, so why don't you go back to those 1900 talk dirty girls cause Miru is too smart for you.

As for the people in this guild you should know the guild only puts as much effort into something as you do. If you will not make an effort they will not make the effort for you. If you expect it all you already failed. You also have to grow into the guild, you can't just walk right in and expect everyone to except you like you have been with us forever.

Faeries ftw Melo - /waves epic

But hey its a good thing you left early imagine if we really opened up to you, you would have crawled all the way back into the tutorial on the pvp server cause we can be rougher then any fight you take on. But hey thats how families are. Won't miss you can't say I did, can't say many will sooooooo......

As for gogo, well we all ....... we like gogo yea lets go with that.
He has worked hard for what he has done, and as far as Im aware he has and still does go out of his way for the guild if it be combines or faction or just quests.

oh and f*k him........ :P

Posted: Wed 04 Jul, 2007 10:57 am
by Shlob
omg elenian why did you change your name?!

Posted: Wed 04 Jul, 2007 11:33 am
by ronni
Bariselon wrote:I mean you think Mic was bad try being in Weo's group, heal pots ftw.
/nod /agree


Posted: Wed 04 Jul, 2007 2:21 pm
by motobike

I try and have a fkn holiday and I miss GOGO getting PWNED


Fkn Funny

That might motiv8 me to get back on line


Cya soon maybee folks
