EQ or RL - hard to tell

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EQ or RL - hard to tell

Post by Tentrix »

OK i like to start this thread where ever I go...so here it is.....

One day a friend of mine was telling me she had been hunting for a unit to buy on the weekend, she said she found one but while she was there she couldnt figure out which way was east...so she would know what side of the unit the sun would rise on....
In all my wisdom and quick thinking, I gave her my advice

"Next time, just drop your sword on the ground and the tip will always point north"

She looked at me like I had lost the plot and I felt like a real idiot....

We had friends in our first guild who responded to this thread by saying that....

While driving down the highway one day, there was a dead animal on the side of the road, our guildie said to his wife

"Wonder what loot is on that"
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Post by Olharb »

Okay, I'll bite..

I've gone on some truely epic EQ binges (2-3 days on end, power naps/food breaks/showers/bio breaks during boat rides) over the years, fortunately I usually catch myself before saying what I'm thinking in mixed company. When you start a conversation with "say Hey do you know where my keys are?" and then panic because you forgot to put the / before say and wonder why your default channel is changed, it's time to unplug. 30+ hours of floating around with SoE then trying to walk in a straight line, down stairs, etc.. feels wrong. Getting sick and thinking, while hanging over the can, "I've gotta get my disease/poison resist up." Training in first-person shooters, "agroing" all the "mobs" in an open area and kiting them around till they're bunched together then "AoE'ing" them to death with whatever propelled explosives you have on hand when you get a proper rotation and arc going on (highly recommended to try by the way). Referring to calling a cab as looking for a tl to bind. I blame the radiation from the monitor..
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Post by Tentrix »

Another one I thought of was the other day at work I had one of my staff in my office, I needed to duck and check on something, so I told her

"AFK a min"

The sad part is, this doesnt happen to me after playing eq for long hours, I do this all of the time.......
Last edited by Tentrix on Fri 22 Apr, 2005 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Melodionxxx »

Things that I do for EQ

Saying "What the f**k"

Referring to your relationship as a "faction quest" You've all done it!

Actually using the term "RL" or "Real Life" in RL

Telling people you are busy Saturday night (because you reckon a progression kill is on the cards...)

And lieing about it...

It's no good I tell you!

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Post by Ashendale »

AHHH yes i was in walmart toy dept the other day and all these kids running all over i could not help to think Who the hell pulled that TRAIN

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Post by varutia »

It's an addiction, I have known to arrange the holiday so that I could come back before raid, so not missing out on anything :oops:
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Post by Golgolath »

Most of my real-life/EQ mistakes take the form of saying things like 'brb, bio' and lol while talking to my parents, although I did yell 'oh shit, afk!' to my dad when the fire alarm went off....he thought I was talking about John F Kennedy...

Also, something that just must be shared, also from an old guildie...Remember the Fellowship of the Ring? During the scene in Moria where they all run through Dwarrowdelf with the goblins chasing them, someone had the sense to call out 'TRAIN TO ZONE!' in the cinema :roll:

Glad I wasn't there when that happened or I WOULD have died laughing...
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Post by Thoraf »

I found myself asking Curtis one day what time my father was due to spawn (arrive in town from interstate). At least I was talking to an EQer.

But I've also asked people who don't play what zone they are in (instead of suburb)
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Post by Tentrix »

LMAO.... how funny.... and as for scheduling things around EQ, we do it all the time, I cant even be bothored lying about it, I just stay to peeps, sorry you know I am antisocial, we arent coming....

They reply with..."Its that damn game isnt it?"

Know me too well :)
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Post by Mynxi »

Nice thread. :)

Just before I read this I had just asked a work mate to go ask the admin staff for something because he has better faction with them then me. ;)
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Post by Freerolling »

lol thoraf.

i tend to use computer / eq slang around the house but they all know what i mean
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Post by Pania »

Hah im glad you posted that.. now i know other ppl do the same shiat. Friends who dont play started to wonder why id always leave drinking sessions at exactly 9;45 or close to 9;30 - 10pm. Heh or drive hours to get back home to raid. Even my brother is starting to talk EQ stlyz, an he hardle plays. We "farm the supermarket" for tradeskill items ffs. ahh the madness. :shock:
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Post by Mynxi »

Go to lunch / dinner and get someone from your group to camp a table at the restaurant for you while the others go forage food and drinks at the bar. :)
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Post by Temvardar »

I've been known to do the lol instead of laughing (actually it almost seems more normal to say lol than laugh these days =/ ) however that pales in comparison to the following...

I have a tendancy to sleepwalk every now and then (awesome experience, sujest ya all try it :) ) and usually I end up bugging my parents in my walks. Apparently one early morning I was sleepwalking and my mum woke up and asked me what I was doing... to which I apparently mumbled something about raiding and killing a dragon.... Yeah you can imagine what my morning and following days where like when I woke up >.<
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Post by Mazia »

LMAO nice one tem
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Post by Victom »

lol, Tentrix, you are really on top of things, and it is also good to hear that I'm not the only one doing these things.

I can compare myself to almost everything done here, driving long hours to raid, sleepwalking (oh that one was juicy) might I add, the loling instead of laughing, the afk, bio, brb's, wow the list really goes on.

Anyhow, I had a little story to share..
One day I was at a party with some buds a few months back and I had all these girls coming up to me talking and such, and my friend asked me, 'man how the hell do pull that', I simply replied, 'area taunt, you should work on it', and he was seriously like wtf, then I realized what I said and was just a slight , 'nevermind..'.

Honestly, I've been trying to not talk eq lingo around non-gamers, because it is a serious let down to realize what a nerd I really am inside..


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Post by corlag »

you mean awesome victom... for we nerds secretly rule the world... /flex :P
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Post by Victom »

Another example, just carrying random convo with this girl today..
KrunKeDSk8r 420: k afk
KrunKeDSk8r 420: goin out for a bit
x dArkiStChiLd x: oh lord.
KrunKeDSk8r 420: in a few
x dArkiStChiLd x: what is afk?
KrunKeDSk8r 420: Away from keyboard.
KrunKeDSk8r 420: nerd lingo
x dArkiStChiLd x: ooh
x dArkiStChiLd x: lol
x dArkiStChiLd x: so not w/ the computer lingo
x dArkiStChiLd x: lol
x dArkiStChiLd x: that's hot.
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Post by Sianni »

pff that's not eq lingo, that's generic net lingo. this girl has much to learn!
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Post by Vexo »

Have yet to encounter it outside of EQ circles. Can we get a source check on the AFK thing, plz, okay, thank you.
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Post by Sianni »

It's used in all IM type chats, IRC chat channels etc etc etc
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Post by Golgolath »

Well, I did it again...just refered to the nine hours of programming I have to do today as exp grinding...professor thought I was insane...

/nerd ON
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Post by Raghaul »

Mate01 "lets see what mate02 is doing"

Rag " Yah i'll give them a tell"

Mate01 "huh??"

Rag "i'll ring them"

Rag quickly walks aways.

Note to self, must spend less time on eq.
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Post by Miruwin »

Asked the boss if I could leave early on the Friday arvo of the long weekend. Told him I had to 'port' up to Ourimbah.

He was like 'wtf?' Only he doesn't know what wtf means so it was just the raised eyebrows thing. lol

Another time I was with friend in a shopping centre at a small gift shop and another friend was way over the other side of the shopping centre. We needed the friend to join us so I said 'no worries, will send her a tell' errrr...... (blush) ..... ring her on the mobile' - lol

Also got told way back when I first joined Wreckers and was grouped with non wreckers and I needed a toilet break and just said 'afk bio' Got asked when I got back, 'what is it about Wreckers and this bio thing?' Maybe thats exclusively Wreckers?

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Post by Kofn »

Well I gotta say you're all a bit loopy. I don't think I've ever let an EQ-ism drop in a "RL" conversation. Although there have been a couple of times I've met up with EQ players in RL and invariably there's some deliberate EQ references dropped into the mix that would be baffling to any outsiders.

One thing I am guilty of is when I'm driving around and I notice number plates, I immediately think of EQ if there's a familiar abbreviation.


ATK 356
DRU 149
SRO 823
XEG 052

etc etc
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