Character Name:
Your Time Zone:
Magelo Link:
AA Count: Max for level
Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers: Knights of Infinity on Firiona Vie, Lions of the Heart on Xegony
Why did you leave your previous guild(s)? Still in them
How did you hear about Wreckers? Heard about it from friends
Why do you want to join Wreckers? Because im aussie
Tell us about yourself as a player: I like to play a bard
Are you looking to join as a Raider or just grouping with friends (please see Raiders Class openings elsewhere)?: I want to play on Bertox as little as possible.
Hi, also whichever of these characters, Haddon/Vumdayan you wish to be considered as your main char in Wreckers please change your username on the forum to that as well.