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Posted: Sat 17 May, 2014 6:57 pm
by Ninjalizard hasatail
Character Name:
Level: 96
Class: shadowknight
Your Time Zone: cst
Magelo Link:
AA Count: 5630

Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers: fuzzy slippers enons ago (on different account) and currently winds of time

Why did you leave your previous guild(s)? fuzzy slippers fell apart back in like rss days and current guild is causal with low level raids when im at work

How did you hear about Wreckers? they play when i play

Why do you want to join Wreckers? fits my time of play

Tell us about yourself as a player: i box a 96 monk atm and i think i consider him my main but i gear the sk harder so i can box and have a tank beeen gaming for the past 15ish years in different mmos and other variations

Posted: Sun 18 May, 2014 6:00 am
by Ninjalizard hasatail
Character Name: Floortank/ninjalizard
Level: 96
Class: shadowknight
Your Time Zone: cst
Magelo Link: program for magelo refuses to work
AA Count: 5630

Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers: fuzzy slippers enons ago (on different account) and currently winds of time

Why did you leave your previous guild(s)? fuzzy slippers fell apart back in like rss days and current guild is causal with low level raids when im at work

How did you hear about Wreckers? they play when i play

Why do you want to join Wreckers? fits my time of play

Tell us about yourself as a player: i box a 96 monk atm and i think i consider him my main but i gear the sk harder so i can box and have a tank beeen gaming for the past 15ish years in different mmos and other variations

Posted: Sun 18 May, 2014 7:41 am
by Kiizze
Which one do you want to raid on, sk or monk?


Posted: Sun 18 May, 2014 10:47 am
by Ninjalizard hasatail
Probably the monk unless there would be more need for a tank

Posted: Mon 19 May, 2014 6:40 am
by Kiizze
ok, can you please change your board name to your monk's name then



Posted: Mon 19 May, 2014 10:47 pm
by Darksiege
Hey Ninjalizard!!! This is Leslie!!! Goodluck with your application bro - Hope we end up being in the same guild. Will definately continue too group with you in game.