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Returning Australian Player

Posted: Wed 30 Oct, 2013 7:47 pm
by Indrus
Hey guys

Returning player here, just started boxing a Paladin and a Bard with mercs. Loving the lower levels but need some Aussie company!

Character Name: Indrus/Indric
Level: 17/17
Class: Paladin/Bard
Your Time Zone: Aust EST
Magelo Link: n/a
AA Count: 0

Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers:

Why did you leave your previous guild(s)?

How did you hear about Wreckers?
General chat on Bertox. Only been back in EQ1 a week! :)

Why do you want to join Wreckers?
Looking for some Australian players to keep me company and chat to while I level up, with a view to raid!

Tell us about yourself as a player:
I love grouping up, helping out and questing. I'm also a big fan of exploration. I'm more about stopping to smell the roses along the way, but am quite keen to get to the higher end of EQ and raid, as I never had the chance back when I played around Veilous-POP.

Thanks for your consideration!


Posted: Wed 30 Oct, 2013 9:58 pm
by Thoraf
Heya bud thanks for the interest.

definitely some aussies about, but this one has been working all night :/

anyhow, catch you in game sometime!