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Gnome LFG

Posted: Fri 29 Mar, 2013 7:44 am
by Snovski
Character Name: Snovski
Level: 94
Class: Magician
Your Time Zone: UTC -8:00 (I typically play at 6pm UTC +10:00)
Magelo Link: I currently do not have magelo
AA Count: 1368

Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers:
I have not played for many years. My last raiding experience involved killing fire giants in sol b.
Why did you leave your previous guild(s)?
I never really left the guild, I just stopped playing. I started over on Bertox so I could hang out with a RL friend of mine. I would tell you his name, but it would only discredit my application =P
How did you hear about Wreckers?
A certain red gnome
Why do you want to join Wreckers?
1. All of the guild members I have met so far are absolutely awesome.
2. RL friends with a certain red gnome
3. Similar play times
Tell us about yourself as a player:
I used to play back in the day. Yes, my first death was falling off of Kelethin. I currently play a Mage and Ranger on separate accounts. When I am not hanging out with a certain red gnome that likes to kill flag givers at POI raids, I enjoy taking in the sights of Norrath and experiencing all of the content that is new to me.

Posted: Fri 29 Mar, 2013 8:56 am
by Kiizze
Hi Snov

Great to meet and play with you last night, catch you online soon
