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Application for Necromancer-Vampriss

Posted: Sat 27 Oct, 2012 8:40 am
by delete profile
Character Name:Vampriss
Your Time Zone: aest
Magelo Link:none yet
AA Count:12

Please tell us your previous guild(s) including on other servers:
it has been years since last guild, cleared everything in POP just started GOD(with my berserker not playing him this time)

Why did you leave your previous guild(s)?
left for other games

How did you hear about Wreckers?
web search

Why do you want to join Wreckers?
I am in Guam. wanted to play EQ with friendly people in my time zone
Tell us about yourself as a player:
I will do what I can to help anyone do anything.

was initially playing bard here....finding necromancer much easier to level. will stick to necromancer since I am a bit low compared to everyone.

Posted: Sat 27 Oct, 2012 8:56 am
by Kiizze
We've had a few people in Guam over the time - play as main the toon you most enjoy. Catch an officer on line for a chat - we raid tonight from 7.30pm Aust EST. You will also need to change your board name to the name of your main.
