Question re focus effects - healing

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Question re focus effects - healing

Post by clairec »

I have been doing a bit of work on focus effects (particularly for clerics, but can be extrapolated to detrimental focuses too) and wanted to seek advice on how focus items such as healing effects actually work. If there is no definitive advice; I would be interested in seeing some info on critical heals that people are encountering (useful info would be spell being used, healing focus, healing adept AA status and amount of exception heal).

Allow me to use an example; and then to ask your advice.

I use Vampiric Health as a healing bonus focus. It gives a 60% bonus at level 72, decaying by 5% each level beyond that. I have maxxed healing adept cleric AA - which gives a further 28% healing bonus. I generally use AHL as my breadnbutter heal.

AHL has a base heal of 4150 HP. It is a level 70 cast; so the focus effect is non-degraded (ie +60% of heal).

I can see two ways that the focus effect and AA are likely to interact:
focus heal = 4150 * 1.60 (vampiric) * 1.28 (AA) => 8499 per heal; or
focus heal = (4150 * 1.60) + (4150 *.28) => 7802 per heal.

I consider the first to be multiplicative, and the second addiitive. Reviewing my logs suggests that the additive is closer to actual heals effected.


How do you believe the healing focus and healing adept AA interact ?
Do you find significant variability in the healing amount done by the same base heal (excluding exceptional heals) ?
Exceptional heals are described as doubling the amount of the heal; yet these too show great variability - why ?
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Post by Micahle »

Heal base x AA bonus x focus effect = heal total.

Also - You're only calculating the max possible, instead of the average. Heal focus varies between 1 - 60 % for an average bonus of 30%... Whereas the AA is a set bonus applied to the base of the spell.

For "crits" it's heal base x AA bonus x focus effect x 2 (crit) -= heal.
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Post by Vexo »

Micahle wrote:Heal focus varies between 1 - 60 % for an average bonus of 30%...
Same goes for detri spells foci. Next after "casters have no discs" this is the one major doorstopper for casters keeping up with melee :)

There was talk of raising it in SoF beta appearently, but it never happened. New slot/type 3 augs were supposed to have raised it as well, but that didn't happen either... next expansion maybe.
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Post by clairec »

Micahle wrote: Heal focus varies between 1 - 60 % for an average bonus of 30%.
Thanks Mica - that is the information I needed. Can you point me to any definitive discussions about this ?

Cheers C.
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