Sro Ldon helpful advice =)

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Sro Ldon helpful advice =)

Post by Qutip »

:D Hello this is your local Sham Grandmaster Q in da house.

Sro Ldon Adven advice.

There is 2 different places you can pick when doing Sro Ldon. The 1st is Upper Guk and the 2nd is Innothule Swamp at the Tree.
Plz do yourself and your Grp a favor. Always Pick Advens that start at INNOTHULE SWAMP at the TREE. This will save you from having a small headache :( at the end of your adven and I will tell you why.

Ok Sro ldon is known for being the worst place to Ldon at. Why because it has the most problems with 5 mobs coming on 1 pull, Lag, People in your grp going LD frequently, and lastly it is the hardest zones to target NPC's.
Ok so now you know that Upper Guk advens have the Worst lag, LD's and Targeting issues, but :idea: :D If you Pick Innothule Swamp at the Tree :D :idea: you will have less lag, LD's and targeting problems therefore helping your grp be more succesful :shock: !!! hehe

Again INNOTHULE SWAMP at the TREE is the Best place for Sro Ldon for less lag, LD, and targeting issues. Remeber F8 also will help you target the NPC that you are looking for.

So my friends i hope this helps. I know some peeps dont do very much ldon and thats kewl ,but if you are like Mini, Eli, Roob, and Myself then this little bit of info helps when having a smoother run while doing Sro ldon's.
Good Luck my friends and i will see you all at the Raids. Happy Hunting.
GrandMaster Q-Tip :!:
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Post by Thoraf »

Nice work Q.. but why don't you have a proper board account yet? :)

Rename your account to Qutip and then we'll give you member access
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Post by Qutip »

:D Aye thank you curtis and thoraf for helping me final get registered. Thank you also to Micahle and Mazia for getting me the Info and getting me started on this web sight. Again i really like our home.
Laters from, Grandmaster Q!!!!
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Post by Justu »

even in the swamp F8 is your friend. it dont seem to matter for me wich one im in they both suck donky balls. what i have to do when i get draged into a Sro adventure is use my targeting halo with F8 combo. it works ok for me considering the mobs have a targeting area the size of a pin head.

P.S. i would give 10k to anyone that could single pull that dungun every mob and still wine it. :evil:
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Post by Elierra »

Guk isn't that much harder, it's just not pitifully easy like a lot of the others and leff forgiving if you do dumbstuff. You can get too many in a pull but any competent puller will be able to split break them up, or just root park as long as people have the forsighe not to fight in a cramped tunnel. The items what drop in Guk on easy really suck, but the camp has some nice augs and is well worth the effort to make your own group, and you will need to do so 99% of the time. I'm like 93 - 2 in Guk and the two were on Eli from bugged collects before they fixed them, way back when. Don't invited dumbasses to go in with you and it's no harder, and in my opinion somewhat more fun. It's the only one that like a real dungeon. Mistmoore sucks. Yeah the targeting sucks, but if I can do slow/mez duty with Min easily, it can't be that bad.
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