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New guy

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 6:55 pm
by Delarian
hey as we all can tell im a new guy so i wanting to get to know the guild better in general so i figured anyone willing to post about themselves like class and maybe where your from and such, TK speaks highly of u all so id like to earn the same confidence and learn about my new found fellowship and when i get my butt saved id like to know who i owe a favor or when the time comes ,when we stand back to back wading in mobs in whatever form they may be, who i can crack jokes with all the way. It is nice to meet you all and i look forward to the long nites :D

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 7:05 pm
by Artreth
One of the few South Australians (the l33t state with Radelaide as capital) in guild, I am also one of the few druids. Originally come from Drinal before it merged with Tarew Marr and then Maelin, been on EQ since around 2004 or so.

Started out a Main Warrior, then moved to druid when I realised getting around EQ without ports sucked balls. Filliteny (my Alt) was a friend who used to play with her husband before he passed away in a vehicle accident. Wanting to not have the pain associated with memories of her playing EQ with him, she decided to Retire from EQ, and gave me the account.

I used to be part of the Hardcore Raiding Scene, raiding across 3 servers with 4 different guilds, however as life caught up to me as I finished Uni could no longer maintain that lifestyle, and as such, moved to Bertox after having 1.5 years or so of chats with Weolyen (Kofn) and Thoraf before my transfer.

Have now been in Wreckers for nearly 2 years, and slamming Zearo on my first raid I instantly felt welcomed into the guild, however feel my job working for the Antichrist has its impacts =P.

In Real Life, I am a father of an adorable 2.5 year old boy, who takes up all my time when not at work, luckily hes normally in bed, or prepping for bed when raids are starting ... changes in work have limited my gametime, but hope to get put onto a more reasonable roster sometime soon, as my 'core' hours are currently between 7am-9pm.

Having met Backdoor, Sintalia and Trainer in Real Life, I find that raiding with the Mature and fun loving people in Wreckers is a perfect fit for anyone who likes to have fun, and is really a big kid inside. I have no doubt you will love every moment in Wreckers such as I have.

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 7:25 pm
by Delarian
Its nice to meet u Artreth I live in the US in Ohio a nice out of the way place called Portsmouth. Its not bad but far from a buzzing city. I am 20 and MMORPGS are new to me so im still learning the lingo

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 8:04 pm
by varutia
I conned one of my best friend into playing a druid when starting, just so I have access to ports :)

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 10:59 pm
by Thoraf
ahh crap someone so young!

Posted: Wed 28 Mar, 2012 11:21 pm
by biliy
G'day dela, (please note that almost everyone gets their name shortened in MMORPG's as we teh laze!)

I started Biliy omg too long ago... he is bscially my only toon although i do have and have had access to various toons over many years. I love playing a SHM. Its a versatile class and am usually kept busy on raids with so many spells to cast. Generally i get the melee DPS group to heal, buff (short term Talisman of Lion), but also on incoming provide debuffs to teh main raid mob. We as SHM also try to hit the tanks with a slow proc (apathy) and a short term HP buf call Unfettered growth (UG). On top of that we have to heal, omgzzzz so busy :) its fun.

I used to play heaps more than i have time for now, i run a couple of small businesses which seem to demand more and more of my time. I work form home so i can actually be online if not doing anything so you will see me afk alot durng the Aussie daytime.

I have been with Wreckers about 1 year now having come from one VERY raid intsense guild prior to backing off about 6 years ago, retiring breifly and coming back with another Aussie guild till last year.

I would say i know a fair few folks from those guilds who are still anoying me... er playing EQ...and they are some of the best folks i have had the honour to know and spend so much time around. We still have regular chats outside game and as i live in Sydney one or two come and visit from time to time as i head off to Mellbourne not often enough to catch up with them. I have also met some oterh brilliant folks in my time, all too helpful so its a mix of old and new for me and good fun.

I think you will find the enviroment at Wreckers fun and very informal, they have some absolute superstars in patience of raid and guild leader(s). But i do hope you dont mind swearing as it is a habit of Aussies, they swear alot!!

Anyhoo nuf said lemme go slow something before i lose a good habit,

Catch ya in Norath! I will be the dead one in the corner!

Posted: Thu 29 Mar, 2012 7:36 am
by Delarian
It will be an honor fetching your body for rez lol

Posted: Thu 29 Mar, 2012 11:58 am
by Mirrik
G'Day I am also a very new member to The Wreckers and I am starting fresh as none of my toons were ever on Betox and not worth the transfer. I am playing a Bard and at this stage i am super casual due to other commitments and getting ready to move house.
The Wreckers made me feel welcomed and are a great bunch of people.

Posted: Sat 31 Mar, 2012 6:34 am
by Kiizze
Hi - my main is Kiizze although she is one of my more recent toons started off life in Zek (PvP server) with a wizard and a druid (Frieja) 13 years ago with some friends, ran a guild for a year then made Kaminie (enchanter) and finally Kiizze (cleric) because the guild had few clerics.

Move to a raiding guild for some years but the US time zone was killing me so eventually moved to a non PvP server and was welcomed into Cold Fury (luv ya Biliy) where I played my enchanter and after the guild broke up moved to the Bertox server and was made welcome into Wreckers, playing my cleric. Was delighted to find some of my old buddies from Cold Fury and just love everyone in the guild.

I am female, 57 year old (so probly now the senior member of Wreckers now that Miru has retired) work for a large Australian icon as a senior manager of four states in human resources safety and quality and work very long hours, so EQ is my way staying insane enough to cope with life.

Also have Asteria SK, Galadyn Mage, Hardoorf Warrior so bot when I can't get a group, but much prefer to group. If you see me on my bots and want a cleric or enchanter or druid send me a tell.

Wreckers is home.

Kiiz :P

Posted: Sun 01 Apr, 2012 11:21 am
by Delarian
Awesome it is nice to meet you

Welcome a new, young Evercrack addict

Posted: Thu 19 Apr, 2012 6:53 pm
by Adun
A long time ago when I was at the University of Southern California at age 18, I was interested in a Star Trek game found only on the SUN OS system running UNIX.

Everyone who was already playing Star Trek over the WAN was somewhat surprised to see me, the new, potential addict to Star Trek mulitplayer on UNIX. So one guy gave up his seat for me because the university's many UNIX computing rooms are mostly full. I tried it for less than an hour and just gave up because it had a huge learning curve.

I never got into UNIX Star Trek like I was trying to get hooked for the first thirty minutes. I was not a big Star Trek fan but I did like watching the movies and constantly compared it to Star Wars. I was more of a Star Wars fan but even that, I did not really get into playing SWG or SWTOR. I tried these for less than an hour and stopped playing them forever.

Same thing happened with Knights of the Old Republic. 30 minutes and got bored, and quit forever. Deleted the game from my hard drive.

However with vanilla Everquest and its expansions, I am still avidly reading about it and participating after a decade. I never got into Everquest II, or Extended. I just deleted these latter two after less than an hour.

Everquest is original so that is why I stuck with it. I played WoW before as well as D&D Online, LOTRO, and tons of other MMORPGs and MMOs, but Everquest seems to be my drug of choice.

Posted: Thu 19 Apr, 2012 8:48 pm
by Thoraf
but you never play it? you always TALK about playing it.. while playing other games....

or maybe I just miss something :)

Posted: Fri 20 Apr, 2012 1:33 am
by LizEriadoc
Well, howdy. I started playing on opening day 1999, and after a few experiments, settled on an enchanter named Eriadoc. I still play him a little bit, but chanters are no longer what they once were, so he's mostly relegated to the guild lobby. Somewhere between then and the spring of 2004, I created a wizard named Azeradoc and my iksar SHM named Lizeriadoc. I stopped playing in about Apr 2004. I came back in August of last year because a long time EQ friend of mine, Eamdaria, suckered me back in. He and Fizzun got me all set up in the game and then left for SWTOR. I find it's a lot of fun these days. I have a SK named Oscurodoc, a necro named Eriadocc, and a mage named Aeriadoc. I'm easy to track down LOL. I'm a bit of an altoholic, but Lizzy is my clear main.

I have only been in Wreckers for maybe six or seven months, I think? Anyway, despite them all being on the wrong side of the planet (that's right!), I can't say I could have expected more from any group of people. They're friendly, helpful, and fun. Being from Texas, it's a little difficult to get to hang out as frequently as I'd like, or with as many of them as I'd like. But if you put yourself out there and let them all get to know you a little, you won't find a better bunch of folks.

Posted: Fri 20 Apr, 2012 2:10 am
by biliy
OMGzzzz /poke Eamdaria if ever you see em..say hi hi from B