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Posted: Thu 14 Apr, 2011 2:16 pm
by Nekrha
Has anyone tried Rift yet?

Reviews are generally good.

Might give it a bash for a bit.

Posted: Thu 14 Apr, 2011 3:15 pm
by Jarinu
Hell no not another one.

Posted: Thu 14 Apr, 2011 4:39 pm
by varutia
I have read the review as well, it does seems to be interesting and with a few fun features such as the rift which aka public event. Not that I will have time to play much online game in next few month anyhow,

Posted: Thu 14 Apr, 2011 6:21 pm
by Aedryen
I have been playing it when I get spare time (which is rare) so far it is quite good, I can get one for an hour or so and get a fair bit done. It's like EQ, Vanguard and Wow all mixxed together :)

Posted: Sun 17 Apr, 2011 1:54 pm
by Chunk
I'm playing Rift, I like it. The ability to swap roles to suit the situation is very nice as are the graphics (its kinda like being able to swap between a wizard, a necro, a druid and a chanter as required from fight to fight).

Its fairly PvP focussed though, although there are plenty of PvE servers. The main aussie server is Briarcliff (which is a PvP server).

Posted: Mon 18 Apr, 2011 11:21 am
by Nekrha
If Trion wanted to capture the WoW market they couldn't have done any better. Same look, same feel. Better graphics and gameplay though. Good story line and the dynamic public group joining is very well implemented. The rift fights are incredibly hectic and one can pick up a nice item or two on need/greed rolls.

It's a refreshing change. Fast paced, but not as stressful as EQ can be at times. Lots of quests with lots of the usual kill x, find y, but some new and different ones thrown in.

Char building is much more involved than the linear aa of EQ (or WoW talents). Being able to change roles for situations also makes the "holy trinity" redundant.

Nice to explore something different and play a new mmo that appears to have very few bugs. It's a supremely polished effort.

There are queues on full servers at peak US times.

Only downside I experienced was my connection through Optus. They are treating the game traffic as p2p (due to the ports it uses?) and shaping it so at peak times you lag out completely. I had to download a program to shunt the traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a server in the US (LAX) which then connects to the game server. Makes the game stable now and it's a small fee to use.

I'm on Wolsfbane (PvE with lots of oceania guilds). Look for Morbidda lvl 17 Defiant mage (necro role).

Belmont Shard, 15 Assassin/Saboteur/Bard, 15 Marksman/GAR/Ba

Posted: Wed 20 Apr, 2011 7:28 am
by Adun
Hey wassup Aussies and my fellow Americans!

I got my toons up to level 15 each on Belmont PVE server and they call servers as shards on Trion Worlds' Riftgame.

My battlemage is 11 on Epoch shard, with the souls, Pyromancer/Stormcaller/Elementalist

translated to Everquest, that's Mage/Druid with emphasis as a Wizard mastering the arcane, elemental fire!

translated to basic English, BBQ cookin', putang eatin' pyrotechnic arsonist

Posted: Wed 11 May, 2011 1:06 am
by kritoris
Got a rift account the other day, seems ok. Currently a 23 cleric and it's pretty sweet being able to swap between dps and heals. Thought I could do that anyway with the 2 boxing on eq and all.

I do miss eq tho but rift will be a good filler between raids until the next expac:)

Posted: Wed 11 May, 2011 9:19 am
by Korvaac
Doing the rift thang until servers come up. Taking a page out of Nekrha's book, Mage (Necro/Warlock/Dominator).

Just a filler, I cant even tell you what server...oops, shard I am on. But it is a PvE. I suck at PvP (effin offense).

Posted: Wed 11 May, 2011 5:45 pm
by Gamanern
I am also doing the Rift thing, and I am on a server, it probably has a name, but I don't know it.

If you see me in game, then you must be on the same server, which one is it? heh :p

Its fun as long as you put your brain in a jar before playing.

Posted: Thu 12 May, 2011 10:05 pm
by Artreth
Wow, 8.78 GB Patch for rift ...

Posted: Thu 12 May, 2011 10:06 pm
by Artreth
Downloading a 2.5 MB/s ... so not gonna take too long =P

Already got 400MB Downloaded.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2011 3:49 pm
by zearu
lyannah, suz, nuv, kruth, nexs, zurt and a few others of us are all on briarcliff

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2011 5:03 pm
by Ridgy
Do you have to buy the game as well as subs after the 7 days?

Happy Hunting.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2011 5:16 pm
by Artreth
Buying the game gives a 30 day sub

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2011 5:26 pm
by Ridgy
Yes, but do you have to buy the game?

As I can get a 30 day code for $20.00, or 60 days for $31.00.

Happy Hunting.

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2011 10:26 am
by Artreth
No, it requires you to purchase the game before you can purchase a sub.

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2011 9:28 pm
by Artreth
Well actually got on rift tonight for 1.5 hrs, already got a lv10 rogue/shadowblade/blade dancer/bard ... The game is alot like WoW in both gameplay and ease. I can see it capturing the WoW crowd easily but for those that prefer a challenge wont stick round on it.

Few questions:

- how do u chat in channels
- who else is on belmont server
- why does it auto join groups?

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2011 10:32 pm
by Gamanern
/1 omg, i am talking in zone channel ... etc, you should be able to click on the chat bubble to the left of the text entry area to set a default channel to type to also.

It appears I am on Plutonis ... I don't know anyone on the server, but you probably all know me enough that you know I almost never group, I am just not social enough.

There are many zone events like rifts, footholds, invasions and I do like the zone wide assaults where everyone gets together to take out a lot of everything ... So, because you are all going to take part in it, then they allow you to just form groups with others doing the same thing. You can always form your own groups for things like instances and questing still, or so I am to believe as ... heh ... I still haven't grouped with anyone ...

It is still fun, but starting to get annoying as a DPS warrior around level 23, as I am now struggling more to solo in areas where adds are common.

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2011 11:54 pm
by Aedryen
hehehe as a necro I can solo pretty easy at 33, can take on around 4 mobs before it gets to tricky...

Posted: Fri 20 May, 2011 11:04 pm
by Vexo
Cousin had exactly the same thing to say about this game as he said about WoW... exactly the same... he's said that about WoW every time he quit the last 3-4 times, so he knows what he's talking about.

He quit Rift a few weeks back.

I need a new game-reviewer.